Democrats Flip Zero Seats in Four Blue State Special Elections – IOTW Report

Democrats Flip Zero Seats in Four Blue State Special Elections

WFB: Democrats have failed since Election Day in November to take any Republican-controlled seats in four special elections in blue states, despite hefty investment from the Democratic Party.

Since President Trump’s election, there have been several state-level special elections across the country. The Republican State Leadership Committee, or RSLC, published a memo this week showing Republicans have won every district they previously held across multiple states that Democrats have won in the last three or more presidential elections.


Republicans kept their seats despite “hefty financial investments and high profile Democrats lending star power to state-level candidates,” RSLC noted.

There were four elections that Democrats hoped to win to show their resistance to Trump could be translated into electoral victories. The elections were in Virginia, Minnesota, and, most recently, Connecticut–all states Hillary Clinton won in the 2016 presidential election.  more here

16 Comments on Democrats Flip Zero Seats in Four Blue State Special Elections

  1. Connecticut?

    I love seeing the change in these ‘deep blue’ states. People are waking up, and the youth vote is NOT monolithic for the party of the KKK any more.

  2. America is getting sick and tire of the perpetual drama queen, protest everything GOP, pro-illegal alien, pro-muslim brotherhood, let faggots take over the culture party.

    Fuck you democrats. Get ass cancer and die in screaming agony.

  3. I’ve stopped calling them “Dummycrats” (although it’s still applicable) and (parallel to the GOP) am now calling these cretins the MOB (Miserable Obstructionist Bastards). And they’re a MOB alright. They are self-destructing before our very eyes, and it’s a fantastic pleasure watching it all take place. Let’s keep stoking the flames of their self-incineration!!

  4. I’m glad that the GOP held onto the seats but at the state level the real indication of a sea change in the voters attitude (even if it’s only a “let’s give ’em a chance”) is whether the Dems lose seats in special elections.

  5. I keep hearing conservatives proclaim the Democrat party is done, over with, finished, kaput. Sorry, folks, but that is just plain stupid. You don’t leave a rattlesnake nest in the crawlspace and think you’re safe because you killed one or two, you don’t let your guard down in a combat zone because you shot one enemy soldier, and you don’t believe for a second the Dems and the evil creatures who pull their strings have given up because of a few setbacks at this moment.

    If anything, now is the time to dig in and smash them even harder. No quarter given, wipe them out, plow them under, and salt the earth so nothing grows back. I fear we’ll let our guard down AGAIN and have to do this all over. God knows how close to the abyss we came this time and we’re still right on the edge. Next time we might not be so lucky.

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