Law Group Finds More Illegal Aliens on Voter Rolls in Virginia – IOTW Report

Law Group Finds More Illegal Aliens on Voter Rolls in Virginia

More than 1,000 illegal aliens were previously found on the voter rolls in just eight Virginia counties


A public interest legal group has discovered more illegal aliens on the voter rolls in Virginia.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation, an Indiana-based group that litigates to protect election integrity, provided the Washington Free Beacon with several examples of illegal immigrants on the voter rolls in Virginia. The examples were unearthed as a result of the group’s efforts to ascertain the total number of noncitizens on voter rolls.

PILF provided a voter registration form showing that the registrant answered “No” to the question, “Are you a citizen of the United States of America?” All personal information on the form has been redacted.

All three voters were found on the voter rolls in Manassas, Virginia.


13 Comments on Law Group Finds More Illegal Aliens on Voter Rolls in Virginia

  1. Back in the 2013, the Virginia gubernatorial race was very tight. Polling showed a tie between Democrat/Clinton hack Terry McCauliffe and Republican Ken Cuccinelli.
    Democrat and Green money was just pouring into McCauliffe’s campaign.
    Cuccinelli’s campaign was starved for cash. We pleaded with the RNC, with the Republican Governors Association, and others, for some support. But those Republican assholes didn’t like Cuccinelli because he was a Tea Party Conservative, and gave literally NO support. Cuccinelli was outspent by dozens of millions of dollars.
    So McCauliffe won. By 1%.
    Since then, McCauliffe has given 60,000 felons voting rights, has vetoed a Voter ID bill, and obstructs voter fraud investigations.
    We were lucky Trump didn’t need Virginia, because McCauliffe’s interference was enough to sway Virginia to Hillary.

  2. I don’t mean to split hairs but bob McDonnell greed didn’t help matters. I called out cuccinelli on taking gifts as well, although his were a pittance compared to the McDonnell’s. Former lt gov bolling was all butt hurt that it wasn’t his turn for gov and undermined ken as well.

    Voter fraud is rampant in this state, so there was a confluence of bad things leading up to the 2013 election which gave us the original deplorable, terry mcasshole.

    Here’s another one for you. I have an elderly friend, conservative as the day is long. He was put in a nursing home last September and has early onset Alzheimer’s. I went to visit him and he said some nice lady help him vote. For Hillary. That’s voter fraud to imho.

  3. PHenry: That form of voter fraud is very common here in Oregon (by design), where all the ballots are mail-in. DJT needs to push the Republicans hard to get this fixed before the 2018 mid-terms.

  4. @tonyr

    Republicans wear red and march in a tight formation while democrats use guerilla tactics. I’m not urging cheating like they do, but it’s time to get smart.

    As Andrew breitbart astutely characterized it, This is WAR people.

  5. We need to raise the voting age back to 21. I returned from Viet Nam after 18 months as a 20 year old Sgt in the Marine Corp. I was too young to vote in the 1968 election. I got over it, they will too

  6. @the fly

    I’m with you 100% on raising the voting age.
    Also, if you receive government assistance, EBT, WIC, etc you shouldn’t get to vote. Not talking Social Security.
    Some people only have to work one hour every two years, to vote for their gubmint check.

  7. @PHenry, that happened here in Minnesota, too. One guy actually saw groups of voters herded into the booths and ‘helped’ to vote by actually holding their hand to mark the ballot. They were so clueless that they thought they were given free pencils. They had no idea what they were there for.

    Nothing happened here because the SoS for MN was in the tank for the Ds.

  8. Cuccinelli didn’t win because of another little item – Robert Sarvis, The Libertarian candidate. Doesn’t matter how much $$ was spent. Much as I am more Libertarian I won’t vote for one.

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