Protesters Disrupt Lecture, Attack Professor – IOTW Report

Protesters Disrupt Lecture, Attack Professor

WFB: Protesters shouted down and physically intimidated Charles Murray, the prominent conservative political scientist, at Middlebury College on Thursday evening.

Protesters attacked Murray and a professor, Allison Stanger, after disrupting Murray’s planned lecture and forcing a change of venue. One demonstrator yanked Stanger by the hair. The professor was taken to the emergency room as a result of the assault.

“One of the demonstrators pulled Prof. Stanger’s hair and twisted her neck,” Bill Burger, the college’s vice president of communications and marketing, told the Addison County Independent. “She was attended to at Porter Hospital later and (on Friday) is wearing a neck brace.”  MORE

11 Comments on Protesters Disrupt Lecture, Attack Professor

  1. If parents are paying the tuition they need to scrutinize colleges very carefully and let the Administration know what kind of shit they won’t put up with, and close their damn checkbook when this kind of BS is allowed to take place. Are the administrators not smart enough to call 911 and have these little commie bastards arrested? Time for the responsible students to find a different school.

  2. These ill informed, community organized weak college punks and the Obama fueled lunatics fomenting these ugly events are going to eventually force good people to do bad things to them. Thus far the good guys seem toothless yet the fury seeths below.

  3. Know-it-alls won’t learn anything new. They only know what they already know. Why are they paying so much money to go to college—so they can say they went to college? These colleges/universities are making out like bandits. I’m glad these little thugs will be saddled with huge debt for years to come.

  4. THANK YOU IOTW: Vermont needs to be placed in a petri dish a little more often. ‘Offense’ on college campuses is having a non-liberal view. These people are not ‘fragile snowflakes’ ….. they’re intimidators. Keep up the pressure Fur.

  5. I hate to say this, but conservative students need to get some balls. Stop whining about this shit, and start providing security to your own events. When the marxist shitbags come, find the one with the biggest mouth, and bash him in the face with a baseball bat. Send his fucking teeth showering around the room. Cover *your* faces. Smash their cell phones. This cultural war is a real war, and you better start fighting it.

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