Obama’s State Department Sponsored 2016 Meeting of Russian Ambassador with Sen. Sessions – IOTW Report

Obama’s State Department Sponsored 2016 Meeting of Russian Ambassador with Sen. Sessions

President Barack Obama’s Department of State sponsored the July event in Ohio where Sen. Jeff Sessions met the Russian ambassador for the second time in 2016, according to the organizers of the event.

The July 20 meeting in Cleveland was used by the Washington Post’s March 1 headline to double the number of meetings where Sessions met with Russians in 2016. “Sessions met with Russian envoy twice last year, encounters he later did not disclose,” said the headline, which has created a mini-scandal as Democratic partisans push for Sessions’ resignation from his post as the nation’s Attorney General, amid Democratic claims that the Russian government helped Donald Trump win the 2016 election.

The two-day event was hosted by a civic organization, Global Cleveland, whose website cites the state department’s role:

On Tuesday, July 19, Global Cleveland welcomed roughly 80 international ambassadors to its Global Partners in Diplomacy reception at Severance Hall. The event, coordinated in partnership with the 2016 Republican National Convention and the U.S. Department of State, introduced the ambassadors to nearly 200 of Northeast Ohio’s civic and corporate leaders.

…. The [first] evening’s keynote speaker, U.S. Senator Bob Corker, chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, stressed the importance of understanding what “having people of different backgrounds and origins means to your community.”

… Click here to see pictures from the event: https://www.facebook.com/GlobalCleveland/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1105759579497225

The July 19 activities were covered by Cleveland.com, which quotes one of the organizers saying “We are working very closely with the State Department and the RNC to make sure folks coming to Cleveland are filled in with everything they need to know about, including that Cleveland is awesome.”  more

5 Comments on Obama’s State Department Sponsored 2016 Meeting of Russian Ambassador with Sen. Sessions

  1. It will be twisted, downplayed or ignored.

    I fear that Trump’s lack of support from Rs will start to look like when the Bush admin went radio silent in the face of constant media BS. Trump can’t fight them all on his own.

  2. I still fail to get the connection with a meeting in the presence with a Russian Ambassador and needing to resign from being the chief law enforcement officer.

    If there was ever a thing to resign for it was for running guns in Mexico in order to facilitate a greater police state.

    I say, Mr Sessions, hang in there and tell these stalkers to go douche themselves, because they smell like dead fish.

  3. Of course, the news is running interference for the Democrats. The proof that Russia is in the Democrats corner was the Russian Ambassador sitting with the Demos during the Trump speech! This obvious and open display by him gives both encouragement and support to the Democrats effort to dismantle the Trump administration. Apparently, the Russians want that same effect also!

  4. “Okay, they wouldn’t give us that wiretap in June because there’s no evidence of Trump people meeting with the Russians. What do we do now, Valerie?”

    “Simple, Barack. We manufacture some meetings.”

    “uhhh…I knew that. Just wanted to see if you did.”

    “No you didn’t, Barry. Now go smoke. You look jittery.”

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