Donald Trump’s Executive Order: Officials Must Identify Immigration Applicants Who Support ‘Acts of Violence’ – IOTW Report

Donald Trump’s Executive Order: Officials Must Identify Immigration Applicants Who Support ‘Acts of Violence’

Also, please keep pointing out the a$$holes who have a problem with this.
Thank you.

Breitbart: President Donald Trump’s immigration Executive Order directs federal officials to set new immigration rules that will identify and exclude people who support the use of violence, and also hints at the exclusion of people who embrace orthodox Islam’s “violent extremism.”

Senior officials “shall implement a program, as part of the process for [immigration] adjudications, to identify individuals who seek to enter the United States on a fraudulent basis, who support terrorism, violent extremism, acts of violence toward any group or class of people within the United States, or who present a risk of causing harm subsequent to their entry,” said Section 5 of the new Executive Order, which likely will reverse President Barack Obama’s open-door policies to foreign migrants.  read more


4 Comments on Donald Trump’s Executive Order: Officials Must Identify Immigration Applicants Who Support ‘Acts of Violence’

  1. This stipulation is a joke. If some asshole wants to come into the US to start shit is he really going to admit it? Give me a break. Shoot all the fucking refujihadists on sight. Start with the children and work up the ladder.

  2. According to our own laws regarding customs and immigration it is illegal to bring in anything that is sexually offensive. So why are these barbaric animals allowed in?

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