Robert Barnes: ‘Ludicrous’ to Claim Obama Never Spied on Americans When He ‘Drone-Bombed American Citizens Around the World’ – IOTW Report

Robert Barnes: ‘Ludicrous’ to Claim Obama Never Spied on Americans When He ‘Drone-Bombed American Citizens Around the World’

BREITBART: Attorney Robert Barnes appeared on Monday’s Breitbart News Daily to talk about President Trump’s allegation that the Obama administration wiretapped him during the 2016 presidential campaign. Barnes’s latest article on the subject for LawNewz is entitled “Yes, There Could Be Serious Legal Problems if Obama Admin Involved in Illegal Surveillance.”

“The allegations that Trump raises are allegations that derive directly from what the newspapers have reported – the Guardian, BBC, Heat Street, the New York Times, the Washington Post, where they all talk about there being an interagency panel of people who were involved in an investigation, who purportedly requested and obtained various means of intercepting phone calls,” Barnes explained.

“So there have been competing stories, and on Sunday, they got even more complicated, as both Clapper and Comey denied any knowledge of any wiretapping presence,” he continued. “Their denials went a little further than Obama’s himself, where all he said was that he himself didn’t personally order something – which was a rather absurd cop-out because the president doesn’t directly order things of that nature. His surrogates or delegates do.”

“The issue goes right to: why, at any time, was anybody’s phone calls being intercepted that were on the Trump team, that are American citizens?” he said. “The various news stories that are out, including one by Andrew McCarthy, who recounts them for the National Review, there’s just no legal grounds for any of that surveillance to be taking place. There’s no legal grounds for any of those calls to be intercepted.”

“The original pretext was that FISA warrants were obtained in October for some limited capacity of Trump surrogates,” Barnes recalled. “The problem is FISA’s a very limited law, especially if you are talking about U.S. citizens. If you’re talking about foreigners, then the breadth of the law is very broad, and the president can, in fact, intercept and surveil foreign activities at a much wider degree because of a limited application of the Fourth Amendment – although the Ninth Circuit doesn’t seem to understand the limits of the Constitution as to foreigners, but that’s another story.”


4 Comments on Robert Barnes: ‘Ludicrous’ to Claim Obama Never Spied on Americans When He ‘Drone-Bombed American Citizens Around the World’

  1. This fucker was really shrewd when his DOJ was protecting his ass. The big gamble failed. Hillary lost. Remember back in 2012. That press dinner where Barry did his best to embarrass Trump. I remember the camera flashing to Trump while the audience laughed hysterically. I’ve never seen anybody sit that straight up and down as DJT that night.You don’t want to do that to a man like Trump. Have fun Barry. You’re now entering “The Trump Zone”,

  2. The left “shadow government” was able to take out Gen. Flynn. they were able to harm Jeff Sessions. Trump decided to stop this by going for their jugular. No more death by a thousand cuts. He is going all in to stop this. He could fail spectacularly or he could come out the other side stronger than ever.

    It is a sad day if this country destroys a former president, however, because it harms the whole idea of peaceful transition.

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