Pelosi On Obamacare Replacement: We Have To Find Out What’s In It Before We Pass It – IOTW Report

Pelosi On Obamacare Replacement: We Have To Find Out What’s In It Before We Pass It

Never let it be said that Democrats have no standards. They have two sets of ’em: One for when they’re in power, and another for the rest of the time. And there’s no contradiction, because… well, how could there be? They’re Democrats!   Story here

15 Comments on Pelosi On Obamacare Replacement: We Have To Find Out What’s In It Before We Pass It

  1. The Lib can get away with crap like this because a large part of the population seems to have the attention span of a gnat. While they may not be stupid (can’t believe I just said that), they are certainly uninformed thanks mostly to the pablum they are fed by the Main Stream Media.
    A recent study (not by Harvard, I hope) found that one half of all Americans cannot afford to write a $500.00 check at any given time. Gee, I wonder who they vote for?

  2. Seems to me Paul Ryan is the Problem not Pelosi!
    Ryan Bill = TrumpOCare.
    Pass Bill then pass phase 2 and phase 3. They really think we are stupid! All you need to do is ask yourself does this bill cut health care costs and produce free market competition? NOPE
    All it does is keep Big Government in Health Care and subsidizes those who cant afford health care in a different way “Tax Credits”
    President Trump you better back the conservatives on this and not Paul Ryan and the Establishment Rhino’s.

  3. I not much for replacing, but I am all for repealing. The free market can take care of the rest of it. Do you know what you get when the government gets involved in healthcare?

    You get the VA, that’s what you get.

  4. The point of the Mensheviks “Repeal and Replace” is to fuck the American people, again. They realize that taking over 1/6 of the nation’s economy gives a lot of latitude for corruption and theft, not to mention the fact that our corrupt Supreme Court has already ruled it a “tax” (just as it did Socialist Security back in the 30s) and they have NO intention of giving up a revenue stream, no matter how badly it harms America.
    They (the Mensheviks/RINOs) are using “Repeal and Replace” as a smokescreen.

    President Trump should not allow this masquerade. He should expose it for what it is – and the Mensheviks for what they are.

    Yeah, I know … wish in one hand and shit in the other …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Life or death consequences? She tosses that around as if it’s serious.

    I make the choice on my own when crossing a street. It’s not a serious choice to not get hit, but it is a serious matter if I do get hit.

    We used to make our own choices for doctors and healthcare. It’s not a serious choice when we’re in good health, but it is a serious matter if we’re restricted in our choices and fall into poor health with substandard care.

    The government is a truck barreling down the same street and your timing to cross is no longer your choice. Any government care will have the same results. Repeal! Sorry, Trump, but I don’t want GREAT healthcare or POOR healthcare provided for me… I want it between me and my doctor. Period.

  6. My response would be …

    Dear Ex-Madam Speaker,
    As you, or someone on your well-informed staff might know, we have posted the American Health Care Act on our taxpayer-funded government web site. If you are incapable of doing a simple web search, here is the link

    If you, or members of your congressional caucus are somehow unable or incapable of reading it, we can provide someone to read it to you. If this is your wish, please forward a list of your members that wish to attend so we can provide proper meeting space. We will also provide as many neat color charts and pretty pictures to assist your people in understanding the bill. We are flexible on this matter, so please let us know what time is best for you and your people to attend. Due to time constraints, any and all questions must be forwarded to my office within two working days, and we will endeavor to answer them within one week of arrival.

    Looking forward to the reading. Crayons and paper will be available for taking notes. Please try to keep Maxine Waters from eating the crayons (the red ones seem to be her favorite).

    P.S. To assist your members we will try to talk slowly.

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