Sessions Seeks Resignations of 46 US Attorneys – IOTW Report

Sessions Seeks Resignations of 46 US Attorneys

WASHINGTON (AP) — Attorney General Jeff Sessions is seeking the resignations of 46 United States attorneys who were appointed during the prior presidential administration, the Justice Department said Friday.

Many of the federal prosecutors who were nominated by former President Barack Obama have already left their positions, but the nearly four dozen who stayed on in the first weeks of the Trump administration have been asked to leave “in order to ensure a uniform transition,” Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores said.

“Until the new U.S. attorneys are confirmed, the dedicated career prosecutors in our U.S. attorney’s offices will continue the great work of the department in investigating, prosecuting and deterring the most violent offenders,” she said in a statement. read more

16 Comments on Sessions Seeks Resignations of 46 US Attorneys

  1. That’s a slow start, now review every hire in every agency for the past several years. Remember Obama comes from the fraudulent, corrupt, ghost payroll, patronage city of Chicago.

    Also look at no bid contracts, Boards, commissions and committees. They are all stacked by progressive/socialists.
    Corruption is the life-line of Chicago style politics.

    How else could a no-name Chicago, disbarred attorney, become a no-name state senator, then a do nothing US senator and leap into the presidency where he did all he could to damage the US?

  2. Janet Reno asked for all 93 resignations when Clinton took office and Hillary in an interview is quoted supporting the request as a president’s prerogative.

  3. Like these lawyers, many, many useless bureaucrats assumed that the Hildabeast would simply be crowned queen. They made no plans for getting the boot. I hope they are all massively inconvenienced when they are kicked out. I hope housing prices in the DC area plummet and it is made into a wasteland as the leftist locust leave.

  4. Should have been done Day 1, but I suppose they wanted Sessions at DoJ first.

    I’m told that by “resigning” instead of being fired, they supposedly forfeit some lucrative perks.
    Saves the taxpayer money and, importantly, makes it harder for them to move to another Federal job.

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