Attention all illegals: San Carlos, California wants to become a “safe-zone” – IOTW Report

Attention all illegals: San Carlos, California wants to become a “safe-zone”

You even get to commit crimes and never be deported! Yay!

Rape, burglary, identity theft, honor killings, mutilation, terrorism, come one come all!

I suggest you guys do a realty search before you show up because, WOW! 2 million dollars homes, on average! But I’m sure they won’t mind you demanding some shiny new section 8’s here and there, right?

Here are the coordinates: Buena Suerte!  Hza tayibana wafaqk alllah!

DC:    California City Quietly Moves Toward Sanctuary City Status In Defiance Of Trump.

A California city will quietly consider whether to declare itself a sanctuary for illegal immigrants Monday, when the city council votes on a resolution put forward by anti-Donald Trump organizers.

The resolution would bar local authorities in San Carlos from cooperating with federal agents to enforce immigration laws, officially designating the city as a safe zone from deportation for illegal immigrants who commit crimes. Such cities are widely known as “sanctuary cities,” although the proposal, interestingly, makes no mention of the politically loaded term.

The city council will vote on the resolution to declare San Carlos a “Welcoming City” at a meeting Monday night, after residents who show up have a chance to voice their opinion. The meeting will be live-streamed.


17 Comments on Attention all illegals: San Carlos, California wants to become a “safe-zone”

  1. Sharia for San Carlos! This is perfect:
    Invading savages want to prey on defenseless Americans, and American imbeciles want to import more savage invaders. It’s a match made in heaven. Just leave civilized American society out of it.

  2. I think that if you have this policy, you cover ALL costs for illegal aliens they invite in.
    All food stamps, all housing assistance, all medical care, all Police and Fire dept. hours associated with their care, all child assistance, and a levy against the wear and tear they put on city infrastructure.
    Val, Chas Bono needs to be fined for hiring illegals

  3. What irony said, and with great enthusiasm. if they vote to go for it, let’s promote advertising aimed at illegals for the best place to go for all their free shit–courtesy California, of course, because the feds won’t pay for food stamps and etc. So they’ll be victimized by criminal illegals AND they get to pay for it!

  4. Last summer I built a gun for a guy on the San Carlos PD. He was telling us back then that the city council was doing everything they could to defund his department. San Carlos has never been a very safe place. They were cutting back the amount of officers they had and he was worried about losing his job. Stupid Libs.

  5. I live the next city north (Redwood City) where a lot of illegals live. San Carlos has a very small area where the poor can live. What they do have is a Home Depot. There is very little crime and the crime they do have is at the Home Depot and best buy shopping malls. In fact San Carlos had to fire their PD because they didn’t have enough money because the city manager embezzled it. They contract with the county who does contact ICE. Basically ICE lives there. Most crime is from illegal and legal Mexican and black gangs.

  6. Stupid libs is right. They think that their ideas, combined with everyone else’s money, is a formula for success. Make them put their money where their mouths are. Force them to accept first bus loads of insane, throat slitting career criminals. See how long it take them to figure this shit out.

  7. If they vote yes it seems like a guarantee that the illegal population will increase by some amount. I wonder how the policing contract will go when they start setting up tent cities in San Carlos parks, squatting in any vacant homes or overflowing public housing the city does have. I suspect that Trump wouldn’t even have to cut off whatever money the city does get he just doesn’t increase it. On the other hand if @TNRWC is correct and ICE operates freely in San Carlos then this could just be an empty gesture as the Mayor and his pack know that regardless of what they vote the illegals will be arrested and cleared out. Hmmm, maybe ICE and the county cops ought to just send a note to the Mayor indicating they’ll respect the wishes of town council and that they’re on their own.

  8. “…and all we ask you to do is clean our mansions, cut our yards, raise our kids and wait out tables!”

    The Spartans had the Healots. Californians have the Illegals.

  9. San Carlos is doing what it feels it should to provide ‘affordable housing’ in Californeestan.
    The value of those $2million homes could drop precipitously.

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