Assad Complains Trump Won’t Speak To Him – IOTW Report

Assad Complains Trump Won’t Speak To Him

Breitbart: In an interview with China’s Phoenix TV transcribed by Syria’s SANA News, President Bashar Assad complained about foreign “invaders” operating on Syrian soil without his permission and said that while he hopes for cooperation with the new U.S. administration, he has not communicated with President Donald Trump yet.

Assad maintained his long-standing position that most opposition groups are “terrorists” without legitimacy. He suggested that peace talks will not be productive until terrorists, people with “good intentions” who do not really represent anyone, and proxies for foreign powers like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the United States are removed from the process.

The Syrian dictator put forth an offer to “terrorists” who might be able to shed that designation by showing proper respect to his regime: “Even those people who are terrorists or belonging to the terrorists or to other countries, they may change their mind and go back to their normality by going back to being real Syrians, detach themselves from being terrorists or agents to other groups.”  MORE

6 Comments on Assad Complains Trump Won’t Speak To Him

  1. How can the least significant mouse of a puppet leader expect to have a conversation with the most powerful man in the world, my President, who, by the way, has a most beautiful wife, and darling family.

  2. Memo to Assad,

    Our President is too freakin busy fighting his own party to worry about your sorry ass. Get your own house in order, then think about talking to President Trump.

  3. C rap N ot N ews trick This was at the treehouse a couple days ago. Don’t fall for it.

    [b]Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad Interview With Chinese Media…[/b]

    Don’t listen to the Western media version of what Syrian President Bashar al-Assad says. It is important to listen to his words directly:

    CNN has intentionally broadcast a filtered version of this interview focusing on the “foreign invaders” perspective. However, pay close attention to the 06:15 point of the video above where Assad discusses President Trump and his policy, and how Assad (correctly) views Turkey as facilitating ISIS.

  4. Syria and the Assad family have been giving shelter, training and arming terrorists for over 50 years. Now I am supposed to feel sympathy when they are butt hurt that the same terrorists they sheltered (and the 80% of the population who are Sunni) have turned on them.?

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