California lawmakers propose to exempt teachers from paying income taxes – IOTW Report

California lawmakers propose to exempt teachers from paying income taxes


SACRAMENTO, Calif. – California lawmakers want to exempt teachers from paying state income tax as a means of attracting new talent to a profession plagued by high turnover and a perception of low pay.

Democratic state Sens. Henry Stern and Cathleen Galgiani introduced Senate Bill 807 to allow the state’s educators to deduct the cost of obtaining a teaching certificate from their state income taxes over five years, and to avoid paying taxes on their income until 2027, the Sacramento Bee reports.

The legislation cites statistics from the California State Teachers’ Retirement System as justification for the tax breaks, though the exact cost of the lost taxes is unclear.


15 Comments on California lawmakers propose to exempt teachers from paying income taxes

  1. So California teachers, who are paid as a result of collecting state taxes, are going to be exempt from paying state taxes because it makes their take home pay less. Once this gets implemented without resistance all state workers will get in line for the same exemption. What the hell is going to happen when everyone is either a state worker or collecting welfare?

  2. I am sick and tired of hearing how underpaid and underappreciated teachers are. Think of their unusually high pensions and such and their little mouths protesting all the time.

    There are plenty of folks who feel the same way — I wouldn’t serve customers in a restaurant for a $ 100/hr.

    Make ’em suck it up. BTW I was in two occupations that didn’t have to pay SSA taxes but I did.

    Hey teachers, leave them taxes alone!


    High # of years of education, LOW PAY doesn’t make it worth it.

    Teachers are the LAST people who run their own classroom. Brats, their parents, and the administrators tell teachers what to do.

    Screw that job. They have a shortage because the schools are a ZOO and no one wants that headache.

  4. The pay is atrocious! They should be exempt from property taxes — it’s stupid making them pay the county just to pay themselves. Oh, and vehicle taxes — they’ve got to get to work. Ooh, ooh, and union dues, as well — well, just because.

  5. They don’t think it’s fair to pay taxes. Wake up America, THIS is who THEY are.
    And they influence the childrums.

    If they were to take their protest to the thieving politicans, that would be something. Instead they are the ones who enable the corruption, propelling their gravytrain by buying favor.

    Think of all public employees as America’s true Dhimmis. They feed the corruption goliath, as long as they gets theirs first. Nice.

  6. Do teachers ever complain about union dues? Did you ever hear of a teacher asking a liberal governor to cut taxes for the entire state? Teachers only work nine months (I’m not deducting all the holidays)
    a year but are paid full salary for twelve months a year in retirement. Teachers do not pay SSI.
    Teacher is a name they should never be called, more like militant leftist.
    The biggest problem though, their so called teaching has given us generations of idiots.

  7. Teachers are not paid a “full year’s salary” for less than a full years’ work. They are contracted to work a set number of days, usually 180+-, and paid for those days. The salary is no surprise, they know what they’re getting themselves into. The pension is not outrageous, they make half the contribution, 8%+ or -, and are paid out what SSI would probably pay if it was handled correctly. The scheme is beginning teachers make half that of “ending” teachers. You get an annual “staying alive” raise of around 3% /year. No matter what they’re paid, public school teaching in most areas is a shitty job.

  8. I love the sign as it shows the stupidity of these teachers that don’t know the difference between are and our. I suggest they move to NYC where they will be welcomed with open arms.

  9. My daughters in laws get huge retirement $$$ He worked for JPL in Pasadena Calif ( NASA) she for the school district-she gets $4,000 a month in retirement with benefits and here I am scraping by each month- I used to hate my teachers as a kid-but I guess I should have been one–hahahaha- to late now 🙁

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