Alex Jones challenges Alec Baldwin To “Get In The Ring With Me… Bare Knuckle” for $1 million dollars – IOTW Report

Alex Jones challenges Alec Baldwin To “Get In The Ring With Me… Bare Knuckle” for $1 million dollars

SHTFplan: Alex Jones, founder of the popular alternative news web site, has challenged Trump impersonator Alec Baldwin to a fight. Baldwin took jabs at Jones in a recent Saturday Night Live appearance sarcastically questioning Jones’ legitimacy. In response, Jones recorded a spirited video in which he calls Baldwin a “coward” and tells him to step into the ring for a $1 million challenge:

Alex Baldwin thinks he’s a tough guy… I challenge him $1 million to the charity he wants to get in the ring with me… bare knuckle… you coward.. you think you’re a tough guy… you frickin’ bully… you coward.

I hate you… my listeners hate you… and remember that, scumbag… forever… we’re going to defeat this anti-human scum… we’re going to wreck their world.


SNIP: I’m not a big fan of  Jones and Baldwin is a self-cutting douchebag, but I would make some time to watch that fight.

26 Comments on Alex Jones challenges Alec Baldwin To “Get In The Ring With Me… Bare Knuckle” for $1 million dollars

  1. Just when Infowars looked to be gaining some credibility Jones goes off the deep end again. I hope Paul Watson finds a new home.

    That fight would not be fun to watch. Two pastie white fat guys out of breath and rolling around in embrace does not sound fun.

  2. Vietvet. Imagine Amy Schumer refereeing? Holy Cow! What a money maker. I’ll bet Donald Trump could get Don King to promote this extravaganza. Pity he’s occupied with fighting RINO’s and the LSM. MAGA

  3. Hey youse guys, I have Netflix and I turned on The leather thing with Amy Schumer, niece of my asshole senator from New York. What got me was , for the two minutes I watched, the audience laughed loudly. At what? I thought to myself. We are fucked as a nation if cunts like this are comedians. Fuck it, mud wrestling would be a relief,

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