Reporter Who Gave Maddow Trump’s Tax Return Just Accused Melania Of Doing ‘Sneaky Porn’ – IOTW Report

Reporter Who Gave Maddow Trump’s Tax Return Just Accused Melania Of Doing ‘Sneaky Porn’

Oh dude, stop digging that hole.

DC: David Cay Johnston — taking part in a panel discussion on “The Last Word” Tuesday evening — accused first lady Melania Trump of doing “sneaky porn.”

Johnston, host Lawrence O’Donnell and Rachel Maddow were poring over the two pages Maddow made public earlier that evening, when O’Donnell noted Trump “has wages and salary income, which is unusual for someone in his case.”

 “She did do very sneaky porn,” Johnston continued before Maddow interrupted him.

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21 Comments on Reporter Who Gave Maddow Trump’s Tax Return Just Accused Melania Of Doing ‘Sneaky Porn’

  1. To save me from seeing what Google says on the issue, I assume “someone” (you know who you are) can share their internet exper…uh…tise with the class, about what “sneaky” porn is. Unless it involves clowns, midgets, or rivers. Then I still don’t want to know.

  2. There’s “painting yourself in a corner” but all morning on TV there have been liberals making themselves absolute political LEPERS: clinging to blatant, transparent and stupid LIES.

    They are making it so no one can tolerate them. There are not enough caves in the world for them to disappear into

  3. Pretty sure ‘sneaky porn’ means filming someone when they are not aware they are being filmed… or you know.. ‘sexual harassment’.
    Now, Mr Johnston, you didn’t film people undressing and engaging in personal relationships, did you? Bc that’s what you sound like, a pervert bragging about his ‘film collection’.

  4. Poor Lazlo MARCH 16, 2017 AT 10:19 AM “POS, he’s lucky we no longer have the duel.
    Trump would face him and put him down”
    I agree and hope there is some consequence to this loons outlandish remarks. It’s time these assholes got what’s coming to them. They are out of control and surely there is some legal recourse to shut them the hell up.
    Man this is getting ridiculous.

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