Trump Fumes Against ‘Judicial Overreach’ After Immigration Order Blocked Again – IOTW Report

Trump Fumes Against ‘Judicial Overreach’ After Immigration Order Blocked Again

Breitbart: President Donald Trump fumed against a federal judge in Hawaii who blocked his second Executive Order limiting immigration into the United States from six Middle Eastern countries.

“This new order was tailored to the dictates of the Ninth Circuit’s, in my opinion, flawed ruling,” he said. “This is the opinion of many — an unprecedented judicial overreach.”

Trump referred to his second attempt at an executive order as the “watered down” version, vowing to take his case to the Supreme Court if necessary.

“We are going to win,” he said. “We are going to keep our citizens safe.”

Trump admitted that he didn’t want to replace his first executive order in the first place, suggesting that perhaps he would go back to the original.

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17 Comments on Trump Fumes Against ‘Judicial Overreach’ After Immigration Order Blocked Again

  1. We suffered thru 8 yrs of a POTUS who granted carte blanche by the left, media, and RINOs. Now the same stop Trump at every turn. Have we arrived at the revolution?


    Guard our border and airports, retroactively review/deport those let in previously AND THEN if the courts want to argue the pros and cons of immigration for several years, let them do so, but FIRST, block all, argue later.

  3. Stop ALL immigration until the cocksuckers cry “uncle!”

    We don’t *need* any fuckin rat-people – not just radical-izlamic-jihadi-rat-people.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. He’s setting them up. He taylored this one to the cover the objections after thei first ruling. All the states fighting this went Hillary, and the judges are political hacks. There is no escaping now who is partisan to the detriment of American safety. He is bringing the evil that is liberal globalism to center stage.

  5. How in the holy hell does some black robed idiot in Hawaii gain the right to overrule a constitutional function of the President of the United States! Time for congress to overhaul the Federal Judiciary!

  6. The feral judge actually assigned American constitutional rights to some foreign Muslim Mother in law! You would think the stupid Muslim son in law would welcome her staying with the other Muslim slimeballs in whatever third world piss hole she is living in!

  7. All this from a judge in a state (Hawaii) that discriminates against non natives worse than any other state in the Union. How many ‘immigrants’ have they taken?

  8. Obama made a “sudden” trip to Hawaii. He arrive hours before this judge announced his decision. It seems to me the U.S. Constitution now applies to every one on the face of the earth. When did that happen? Trump needs to expedite confirmation of Neil Gorsuch so he can start using the Supreme Court.

  9. Yes we can!!! MARCH 16, 2017 AT 10:39 AM “Send ‘all’ new Muslim immigrants to Hawaii! In fact, relocate all Muslims that arrived here during the last year to Hawaii!”
    Totally agree that ALL of these bastards need to be placed in liberal/commie backyards. If they want these barbarians make them take them in!!!!

  10. I never thought i’d live to see this. They’re not just ignoring the Constitution, they’re ignoring fundamental principles that have undergirded law for a 1000 years! Nobody who isn’t a party to a contract or covenant has rights granted by that covenant. The Constitution was a covenant between the federal govt and the states and the citizens (and their heirs) Nobody else!

    If these judges don’t respect this idea then there is no rule of law at all! Amazingly,I have brothers and sisters who are lawyers who have no problem with what’s going on

  11. Make these traitor judges criminally and financially liable for any injuries to American citizens by
    Muslim invaders. Going broke while sitting in jail might get their attention.

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