House Intel Leaders Ask FBI, CIA, NSA How Many Americans They ‘Unmasked’ – IOTW Report

House Intel Leaders Ask FBI, CIA, NSA How Many Americans They ‘Unmasked’

Breitbart: The leaders of the House intelligence committee are giving the NSA, FBI, and the CIA until Friday to reveal how many Americans’ private conversations were improperly ‘unmasked’ amid legal surveillance activities in the last six months, which they believe happened to President Donald Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

The demand comes as the committee is trying to figure out who revealed Flynn’s identity during his phone calls with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in December and who illegally leaked the classified contents of those calls to the news media.

“Masking” refers to the protection of identities of Americans who are inadvertently caught up in surveillance — for example, of foreign individuals in the U.S. — and is referred to as a “minimization” procedure.

Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) and Ranking Member Adam Schiff (D-WA) made the request in a letter dated Mar. 15 addressed to Director of the National Security Agency Adm. Michael Rogers, FBI Director James Comey, and CIA Director Mike Pompeo.  read more

9 Comments on House Intel Leaders Ask FBI, CIA, NSA How Many Americans They ‘Unmasked’

  1. Given previous information requested by Congressional Committees and the failure of the requested Agencies non-compliance, I suspect the National Security Agency Adm. Michael Rogers, FBI Director James Comey, and CIA Director Mike Pompeo will not comply under the guise of “the subject is under investigation” and they cannot divulge information under investigation.

    Transparency is not a word recognized or used at the NSA, FBI or CIA.

    The cat and mouse theatrics between the Congress and Agencies will continue and will be prolonged to obstruct Congress’s duties and responsibilities.
    This mouse will run in circles until the cat is distracted by another mouse.

  2. What Tim and cato said.

    The only thing we’ve gotten from Congressional inquiries is grandstanding by members and those called to testify, and a Presidential candidate who touted her lengthy testimony as proof of her stamina. Maybe an occasional “what difference does it make” to chew on, but otherwise, just crap.

    When Devin Nunes and Adam Schiff imperiously demand that PDT produce proof of “wiretapping” immediately, all I can think of is Hillary forklifting pallets of boxes of reams of paper documents in response to their requests for her emails. Hillary knew what a sad sack, impotent bunch they were and treated them accordingly. PDT knows this, too.

    Where is Trey Gowdy lately?

  3. CTH has been talking a lot in the past several months about Admiral Mike Roger’s having probably alerted Trump — speculated by his early visit to Trump Tower — about this surveillance and unmasking which, if I have this right, he refused to involve himself in and was then demoted/transferred out of his position under Obama. (I’m not now referring to CTH material, so I could have some of the details wrong). For this reason, I’m glad to see Rogers is among the first two people to appear before the committee. Anyway, here’s the most recent commentary on Rogers provided by CTH.

  4. I’m still baffled a bit (perhaps I am more naive than I thought) that this circus continues to operate even though Trump is in charge of the monkeys. How deep is the Deep State anyway?

    I am hopeful something will crack in due time, just being impatient.

  5. Although Trump is trying hard to operate under “regular order”, the way the gov’t is supposed to work, I hope they begin to connect the dots between Trump’s work and who is leaking and by whose orders, as well as “strange” coincidences between obama’s activities (and his surrogates’ activities) and the many violent protests, etc. I would love for the Justice Department to bring sedition charges against obama.

  6. AA, something big must be up, because Barky went stag to Hawaii, and now he’s in the Frwnch south Pacific islands for a month. Maybe it’s just some extended downlow time, or maybe ValJar needed him out from underfoot for a while. Running his shadow government must be getting more complicated than she planned.

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