Dakota Access cleared to move oil next week after judge rules against tribes – IOTW Report

Dakota Access cleared to move oil next week after judge rules against tribes

WT: A federal judge has denied a last-minute plea to stop the Dakota Access pipeline, allowing the $3.8 billion oil pipeline to begin operating as early as next week.

U.S. District Judge James A. Boasberg ruled Tuesday that the Cheyenne River Sioux and Standing Rock Sioux are unlikely to prevail on the merits of their challenge to his March 7 decision, saying the court “believes that Plaintiff does not have a strong case on appeal.”

A status report filed Monday by Dakota Access LLC said oil is expected to start flowing through the North Dakota section of the 1,172-mile, four-state pipeline sometime from Monday through Wednesday, “depending upon the success of the testing.”

Another status report is expected to be filed with the court on Monday.

The tribes had asked for a preliminary injunction to stop the pipeline on religious grounds, arguing that flowing oil underneath Lake Oahe would desecrate the water, which is sacred to the tribes, and fulfill the “black snake prophecy.”

Last week, however, the judge pointed out that a natural gas pipeline already runs under Lake Oahe and that other oil pipelines cross the Missouri River upstream from the lake, which is man-made and only 60 years old.  MORE HERE

14 Comments on Dakota Access cleared to move oil next week after judge rules against tribes

  1. For those of us in the oil producing parts of ND, this is great news. Before the pipeline, ND crude paid a $10/barrel penalty as cost of transportation. In addition, we will get rid of trucks and trains transporting the oil increasing our safety. Now if we could just get the tribes/ecoterrorist funders to pay us back for the damage they did. Warren Buffet (BNSF Railroad) also gets a sharp stick in the eye.

  2. A Judge over-turned a ‘ban’ by the (former)administration?
    Hey, maybe that’s Trumps answer to his immigration policy. He should change it to list he’s allowing immigration from every other country except he leaves out the Muslim 7.

  3. Never seen an oil pipeline placed into service. Wonder what all is involved? The “testing” they spoke of in the link is probably the same we do (natural gas pipeline) where you fill a segment of pipe between block valves (10~12 miles) with water and pressure it up to about 1.5 times the operating pressure.

    If that holds for 12 hours (in our case for buried pipe)then you dewater and dry it, then purge out the air with line gas.

    In any case, them guys are going to be busy for a few weeks. It’s a big deal commissioning and placing into service a pipeline project like that.

  4. Tim – Agreed. The county, state and federal gummints need to sue theshit out of Soros, Buffet and the alphabet-soup group of “non-profit” NGO’s they support in the Environmental Industry.

    This whole issue was AstroTurfed from the start; it never was a “grass-roots protest” against the oil & gas industry. Soros & Buffet funded professional PAID violent rioters to disrupt this pipeline project. Stick those two with the enforcement and cleanup bills. Fuckers.

    Anytime you have someone from the billions-funded professional Environmental Industry say they Are Out To Do Good, they really mean they Are Out To Do Well For Themselves.

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