Fiance of woman killed in crash by illegal alien says President Trump called him – IOTW Report

Fiance of woman killed in crash by illegal alien says President Trump called him

Daily News: An Arleta man whose fiancee was killed in a car crash last month allegedly by an undocumented immigrant who had been deported five times said he has received words of encouragement from President Donald Trump.

Rodrigo Macias appeared on the television news program “Fox & Friends” on Wednesday morning to discuss the death of his fiancee, Sandra Duran, 42.

After appearing on the program, Macias said he received a telephone call from Trump, who offered him and the family his condolences and urged them to “stay strong.” Trump also said he’s fighting hard to secure the nation’s borders and to combat sanctuary cities.

“It tells you a lot about this president,” Macias, a real estate broker, said during a telephone interview with the Southern California News Group on Wednesday evening. “You can’t have the local mayor do that, but the president of the U.S. went out of his way to do that. I’m very glad my fiancée and I voted for him. In fact, I’m extremely happy.”  read more

6 Comments on Fiance of woman killed in crash by illegal alien says President Trump called him

  1. Mean while, in Norther California’s People Republic of San Fransisco, they had some public event about the Police Force cooperating to much with ICE. So they’re interviewing a group of American Mexicans that showed up in support of throwing the illegals out and building the wall. They all voted for Trump and they claim what’s coming across the border now days are NOT migrant farm workers, the are Cartel members and criminals.
    Then some attorney steps up to the Mic to give a speech. He’s there speaking for his client who is about to be deported. His client claims if you keep deporting us we will no longer trust the police. The attorney forgot to mention the reason his client was originally arrested was for drunk driving. And the car he was driving was stolen.

  2. It is unfortunate that the event happened; condolences and a shoulder/shared grieving are extended to the family.

    I am comforted to know that we have a President who cares about us and shares in our grief, that he is working to try to prevent it from happening again to another family.

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