Tucker drops a truth bomb – IOTW Report

Tucker drops a truth bomb

PatriotRetort: Okay, I admit it. I love Tucker Carlson.

Part of the fun is watching the parade of dumbfounded expressions march across his face while some Leftist kook prattles on endlessly.

Last night, at the very same time Rachel Maddow was beclowning herself over Trump’s tax returns, Tucker dropped one heck of a truth bomb on NBC.

It wasn’t Russia that tried to influence our election.

Nope. It was NBC and Maddow’s own channel MSNBC.

Talk about upstaging the competition.  Watch 


14 Comments on Tucker drops a truth bomb

  1. In a way, It was Russia hacking our election, but not from the Kremlin.

    But from all the main stream communists in our media.

    So, yes, the left, representing Russia, was pulling for Hillary.

  2. they succeeded in getting the best ratings ever, so now more people than ever watched her completely obliterate the narrative that Trump didn’t pay taxes.


    And Trump’s “Obama wiretapped me” tweet single handedly killed the Russian narrative. He made them come out and say “Trump wasn’t under investigation there was no wire taps”

    Oops, that also busts open the narrative.

  3. Best Rachel ever: Her reporting on election night, when she had to report, while Clinton lost. Watching the rug pulled out from under her was delicious. Best reporting ever, for her! Even though I can’t stand to watch or hear her, we need that looped with her bomb shell ‘Trump Taxgate’.

  4. The Republicans have a golden opportunity (which, no doubt, they’ll fuck up).

    ANY organization which participates in political activity is a “political” organization, by definition – not a “news” agency (or “union” for that matter).

    Strip them of their 1st Amendment protections. Prosecute them for their lies, slanders, and treasons.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Maddow had the biggest ratings of her career on Wednesday – 4 million people tuned in to learn that Donald Trump paid more in taxes than Obama, Sanders and the corporation that employs her and 7 tax delinquent “anchors”.

  6. The left is always guilty of what they accuse conservatives of doing. Their accusations are preemptive strikes to deflect their guilt. This also makes conservatives appear unoriginal in their counter-accusations.

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