DC: WASHINGTON — Donald Trump believes he and Angela Merkel have something in common: they have both been wiretapped by Barack Obama.
The president made the statement during a press conference with the German chancellor at the White House Friday. When a German reporter questioned Trump about his accusations against Obama, he turned to Merkel and said, “As far as wiretapping, at least we have something in common, perhaps.”
The president was referring to the 2013 scandal when the German newsmagazine Der Spiegel published a report claiming Obama authorized American intelligence to tap Merkel’s phone after he was briefed by then-NSA director Keith Alexander in 2010. more
h/t Bad Brad
Trump needs to table some evidence. Like yesterday.
I think he’s got it. And probably gathering more. And if he has got it, he doesn’t really need to be in a big hurry to release it.
At this point I’m so fed up with the political class President Trump can do almost anything and I will continue to support him. If they are all pissed off, I’m happy. We are 20 trillion dollars in debt, have another 100 (give or take a few) trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities and the career politicians are squabbling over meaningless crap like the NPR and meals on wheels. WHAT NEXT…..WHAT NEXT……WHAT NEXT! Where is Bob when you need him?
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Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.