FBI Arrests Man Who Allegedly Used Twitter To Cause Seizure – IOTW Report

FBI Arrests Man Who Allegedly Used Twitter To Cause Seizure

DC:The Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested a Twitter user Friday for allegedly causing Newsweek writer Kurt Eichenwald to have a seizure, a spokeswoman confirmed to The Daily Caller.

The suspect, John Rivello, was arrested by the FBI at his Maryland home. Rivello, 29, is being charged under a federal cyberstalking statute and will appear in federal court in Dallas Monday, Eichenwald’s attorney Steve Lieberman told TheDC.

The Twitter incident occurred in December 2016 when an account with the username “Ari Goldstein” or “@jew_goldstein” sent Eichenwald a gif, an animated image, with changing colors that said, “you deserve a seizure.”

Eichenwald’s account subsequently tweeted, “@jew_goldstein This is his wife, you caused a seizure. I have your information and have called the police to report the assault.”

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SNIP: So let me see if I understand this-
The FBI believed Eichenwald, whose wife went on Twitter to say he had a seizure [I didn’t read anything about medical proof of his seizure so I don’t know who to believe right now], and then they arrest the suspect 3 months later…
But Hillary lied, evidence showed she lied, she continues to lie, and the FBI just shrugs because, Aw hell, the old careless woman didn’t mean anything by it?

19 Comments on FBI Arrests Man Who Allegedly Used Twitter To Cause Seizure

  1. Oh whoa. I happened to have been at that tweet when all this silliness unfolded and let me tell you it was really trippy to see someone claiming to be the wife TWEET while her husband supposedly JUST HAD A SEIZURE.

    And now to see this is even trippier. First of all, as others have pointed out before me, if those gifs are a danger to Eichenwald, WHY did he not adjust his settings to block them? And no, I’m not “blaming the victim,” I’m asking about reasonable practicality. If I were allergic to a certain food, for example, I sure as hell am not going to put on a blindfold and let random strangers feed me.

    And if I was careless enough to do such a stupid thing, I sure as hell hope my spouse wouldn’t be fucking tweeting while I’m laying on the floor.

    I have no desire to see Eichenwald harmed, but he is in fact an attention whore with questionable priorities and acts like he has a bloody personality disorder. (He had that day just come from being Tuckered–anyone see his prop notebook?)

    And of course as stated above, the government goes after a Maryland troll but allows Clinton to go scot free? WTF???

  2. @ BFH

    You’re probably going to have to send him a link or use snail mail.


    “If I were allergic to a certain food, for example, I sure as hell am not going to put on a blindfold and let random strangers feed me.”

    – Lisl

    I think that is a valid point. One does not knowingly expose oneself to things one is harmfully sensitive to.

    How could he possibly be on the internet for years and not get seizures regularly?

    If he is that sensitive to flashing lights, his wife needs to cut the cable – that is, if she’s being honest and also actually loves him.

  3. Like the Michael Savage weird beatdown story, this one reads like a lost “Curb Your Enthusiasm” episode, too. Another good reason to avoid social media.

    Scott Adams, a little help here, please.

  4. Certain patterns and intensity from a strobe will drop a lot of people. Same with frequencies from music, I have seen it happen. Think of sensory overload, I can believe that this may have happened.

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