CEO Makes Potential Employees Take a ‘Snowflake Test’ Before Hiring – IOTW Report

CEO Makes Potential Employees Take a ‘Snowflake Test’ Before Hiring

Breitbart: Kyle S. Reyes, CEO of The Silent Partner Marketing, claims he makes potential employees take a “snowflake test” before hiring them, in a new article for the New Boston Post.

In the article, Reyes explained how his test works, and what questions it includes.

“I don’t want most people to work for my company. No, seriously. Most people suck,” wrote Reyes. “And I want people to work for me who don’t suck… So I’ve implemented something that is going to give HR managers and the PC Police night sweats. I lovingly refer to it as The Snowflake Test.”

“Anyone who may be a viable candidate for our agency has to take the test before they get an at-bat at an interview,” he continued. “It’s 30 short-answer and essay-style questions that help us to really get to know a candidate. We want to get in their heads. See how they apply logic and reason to different scenarios. See what makes them tick. See if they’d be a good fit for our culture.”

The test includes questions on how the applicant feels about guns, safe spaces, and trigger warnings, as well as some which are more personal and complex.

“When was the last time you cried and why?” is allegedly one, as well as “You see someone stepping on an American Flag. What happens next?”

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14 Comments on CEO Makes Potential Employees Take a ‘Snowflake Test’ Before Hiring

  1. Putting together like-minded, talented people who pursue excellence instead of whining about being a victim makes a huge difference in any organization!
    The same goes for a country.
    Why do you think our enemies encourage, fund and enable the Left?

  2. Guns – One of my God given rights to own and be proficient with.
    Safe Spaces – most of the places I am at, especially when I have a weapon or two on me.
    Trigger warnings – the sound of me drawing my gun out of it’s holster, it is a soft sound.

    “When was the last time you cried and why?” When I learned the President and First lady went to Dover to honor Chief Ryan Owens…

    “You see someone stepping on an American Flag. What happens next?” “Someone” is going to be very butt-hurt…

    BTW: If your answers deviate much from mine you need to pack up and move to a country that doesn’t have a rich heritage of patriotism, freedom, and liberty.

  3. Good for him.
    It’s a shame more corporate officers are gutless cowards who cave to every simper of the maggots.

    Keep em out in the first place and save the company a heap of trouble later.
    (stitch in time, and all that)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Bravo to Mr. Reyes. Bravo for his bravery to publicize his stance.

    And the same people who would have a problem with this CEO (Remember he is the “Chief Executive” of his company) reinforcing who comes in and who stays out of his workforce are those who have a problem with President Trump (the Chief Executive of our country) as he tries to control who comes in and who stays out.

    It is encouraging that people are no longer afraid to voice their strength. We won and we are slowly taking back the narrative from the PC culture which kept many of us quiet for so long.

  5. @Tim March 18, 2017 at 8:48 am

    It’s not cowardice for the executives to encourage the hiring of the type of people that they actually want to be in the company. It is cowardice to publicly accept that the people within a company are not the type of people that the executives want.

  6. I’m glad I’m retired. Our company has “sensitivity meetings”. Conducted by a black woman, who was about as anti-white as you could get. What’s hilarious is our company was owned by the Mormons.

  7. Compare this to the leftist companies that recognize 39 genders, hate firearms, hate Christianity, excuse muslim atrocities, think women are systematically oppressed, hear racial whistles at every turn, and support every wacky policy.

  8. Testing separates fantasy resumes from reality based ones.

    I devised a simple test for receptionists, involving basic Word and Excel programs. There was one candidate who asked for help turning o. The ‘TV SCREEN’. Sorry, part of the test. It really illustrated the lies within resumes!

  9. The military needs to reinstate this sort of test. Things went to hell under Obama & Robert Gates.
    ( when RG was made the top Boy Scout, I knew trouble was coming because he directed the integration of queers into the military.)

    Today troops &. crews are forced to attend sensitivity training where they are taught the sexperverts, the mentally ill who are confused about what sex they are, etc are normal ( and if they think otherwise, they’re not). Or so I have read.

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