Gov. Moonbeam Opposes California Cuts in President Trump’s Budget – IOTW Report

Gov. Moonbeam Opposes California Cuts in President Trump’s Budget

Breitbart CA: California Gov. Jerry Brown’s administration is unhappy with President Donald Trump’s budget proposals and how they will potentially affect several programs and funding for some projects in the state.

“The president’s budget proposes a complete withdrawal of the federal government’s commitment to working with states to solve the critical issues of the country, from environmental protection and emergency preparedness to transportation and other infrastructure,” Brown’s budget director, Michael Cohen said, according to the Los Angeles Times.

President Trump has argued that many of the programs he seeks to slash funding for are ineffective or outdated. He has also noted that some of the programs to be eliminated or cut are repetitive. The National Endowment for the Arts, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the National Endowment for the Humanities are among 19 independent agencies being considered for elimination.

Brown’s administration is also concerned about limited grant funding for rail and transit projects. Last month the Federal Transit Administration delayed a decision on whether it would approve a $650 million federal grant meant to convert the Bay Area railway system, Caltrain, from diesel to electric.  MORE

16 Comments on Gov. Moonbeam Opposes California Cuts in President Trump’s Budget

  1. California is officially the “crazy chick” of the states.

    Trump gets elected: “AHHHH! I want a divorce!”

    Next day: “”AHHHH! Why are you cutting my allowance, you monster?!”

  2. It’s really quite sad what has happened to CA in the past 40 years. It’s major cities are now recognized mainly for their debauchery and not as places of opportunity to flourish. No one wants to vacation among the mean streets which smell like urinals or where the homeless and panhandlers are protected classes. They’ve lost who-knows-how-many businesses to other states. It’s a mess. This country, generally, used to be so proud of the productivity of CA and its abundance of natural beauty. So hard to imagine what a handful of people can do to change things for the worse.

  3. Hey guv moonbeam, here’s a clue. the gravy train left the station. The use of plain old everyday common sense is required during this administration. Suck it up and get used to it. and, oh yeah, you might start trying to live within your means because there will be no federal bailout for your stupid pipedreams.

  4. When Trump talks about cutting Federal spending Governor Brown started to sweat bullets. If the Feds shut off the flow of money then the insanity of State spending and the fiction of the Budgets they’ve been producing will come to light. There will be a constant yammering of “blame Trump” coming from California Democrats (and not a few Republicans) and the media but Brown may just get a response from Trump that he was not expecting. Trump may go direct to the people and tell them the truth about what’s been happening in the last 20 years and Brown may just find that the nattering about separation will now start coming from Californians not on the coast who want to leave Brown’s paradise but not leave their homes.

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