Trump Calls Out Obama By Name For Military Readiness Crisis – IOTW Report

Trump Calls Out Obama By Name For Military Readiness Crisis

DC: President Donald Trump’s 2018 budget for the U.S. government blames former President Barack Obama by name for the U.S. military’s readiness crisis.

The declaration is a break from traditional protocol, much like many of Trump’s actions in his first day in office. Past presidents have criticized their predecessors but generally avoided blaming them by name in official U.S. government documents.

“The military’s depletion under President Obama is our foremost challenge,” Trump’s budget declares. The budget continues, “under the Obama Administration, our shrinking military has been stretched far too thin. The military has been forced to make aging ships, planes, and other vehicles last well beyond their intended life spans. The President will reverse this dangerous trend. From rebuilding our Armed Forces to beefing up our border security and safeguarding our Nation’s sovereignty, this Budget makes security priority one.”


18 Comments on Trump Calls Out Obama By Name For Military Readiness Crisis

  1. The maladroit, narcissistic, corrupt, sheet-grabbing, pillow-biting, stair-prancing, Gay-obsessed, ankle-grabbing-flexible phoney-baloney plastic banana Manchurian doorknob forced Army Cadets to wear red high heels. If Pussy hats were invented earlier, that Asshole would have forced them to wear those too! Jeremiah Wright´s “God-Damn America”-hating, no-records, momjeans-wearing, shame gland missing, two-bit, Bush-blaming, belly-aching, Peace-Prize stealing, “Flexible”, red line…pink line…salmon line…fuchsia line…maroon line…puce line… Yellow line-drawing, Reset Button, Boneheaded worthless piece of shit disguised as a so-called “Black man” was far, FAR worse than Carter ever could have been!

  2. The dems seem to have left “protocol” behind years ago in too many ways to count.

    From having sex in the Oval Office with an underling to having a member of the party leak questions before a presidential debate.

    From the sitting president having his feet all over an historic desk to a first lady who imposes ridiculous food rules on the nations schools.

    The fact that President Trump names Obama’s policy failures as failures in a document is not a biggie to me.

  3. How is it that facts have become embarrassing?
    Does the political and propaganda class REALLY believe that Americans shouldn’t be made aware of the facts? If so, (and if we continue to demand NOTHING) then the whole concept of “self-government” goes down (or has GONE DOWN) the toilet.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. PRESIDENT Trump is opening up the eyes of a lot of people with comments like these. Forces the talking heads to gab about it and people out there go, “🤔”

  5. I imagine this will get a response from the homo hermit of Tahiti.

    Seriously, PDT, we are worried about your safety. You are trolling the deep state pretty hard. Watch your step.

  6. My President.
    That’s should be what we call him, to push back on that ‘not my president’ crap that snowflakes currently employ (possibly their ONLY employment).
    My President.
    He stands alone in a hostile land, being disrespected, demeaned, and called a fool when he is a far better man than they.
    My President says is only accountable to us and I believe him.
    I was a Rubio Man as the election ramped up. I liked his vision.
    I liked Cruz when it was down to the two of them.
    But in the back of my mind I secretly wanted Mr. Trump to win because I felt that he would kick over ALL the apple carts.
    Is he flawed? God yes.
    But his flaws are nothing next to the seditious plotting of his predecessor. That Bitch-ass-mulatto bastard who, but for winning the political lottery, would be another Maxine Waters on the quest for incoherence.
    My President is the man out front, leading our ‘Forlorn Hope’ over the wall. I pray for his success.

  7. Obama decided to stay in the game and ignore the unwritten law that ex Presidents fade into the woodwork and remain outside politics. He figured that his color would protect him and ignored the fact that Trump isn’t really a Republican but rather an outside, unorthodox but highly skilled operator who happens to believe in small government and the constitution. Well Obama, be prepared for a taste of what overwhelmed Clinton and the Democrats just six short months ago.

  8. @thirdtwin – my thoughts exactly. Trump’s guardians have to keep a close watch on him. I think that the theft of that idiot agent’s laptop was perhaps deliberate. She should be immediately stationed in Guam counting sea gull turds where she can’t f**k up anything else. Obugger has plenty of his people in close proximity to Trump. It’s like pus in an infected wound, you have to clean it all out, every bit of it.

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