Tomi Lahren calls Pro-Lifers hypocrites, may be leaving The Blaze – IOTW Report

Tomi Lahren calls Pro-Lifers hypocrites, may be leaving The Blaze

DC: Political commentator Tomi Lahren will likely be leaving The Blaze in September if not sooner, The Daily Caller has learned.

Lahren hosts her own show for The Blaze and has garnered national attention for her aggressive rants on politically-charged topics like Black Lives Matter, which frequently went viral on Facebook.

Lahren’s inflammatory, oftentimes angry style has placed her increasingly at odds with coworkers at The Blaze, The Daily Caller has learned, a situation that’s worsened after she called pro-life conservatives hypocrites.

In an appearance on “The View” on Friday, Lahren came out as pro-choice and called pro-lifers hypocrites, saying, “I can’t sit here and be a hypocrite and say I’m for limited government but I think the government should decide what women do with their bodies.”

Lahren’s denouncement of pro-lifers on national television Friday rankled many conservatives.

“Memo to @TomiLahren,” conservative radio host Steve Deace wrote on Twitter, “the hypocrisy is saying you’re for the Constitution, and then denying the right to life it guarantees.”

Conservative website The Daily Wire covered Lahren’s comments with the headline, “Tomi Lahren Explains Why She’s Pro-Abortion, Proves She’s Clueless About Conservatism.”

Lahren, who did not return an email seeking comment, appeared to fire back at critics on Twitter, saying, “I speak my truth. If you don’t like it, tough. I will always be honest and stand in my truth.”

Soon after, a reporter at The Blaze, Kate Scanlon, tweeted, “There is no ‘my truth.’ There is only the truth.”


SNIP: Well, you know what? Abortion is legal.  I’m not pro-choice but if you want to murder your child,  leave me out of it. And don’t hide behind some ‘women’s health’ nonsense. It’s nothing to do with health. It’s murder. And because it’s murder,  I don’t want to pay for any abortions, I don’t want medical staff to be forced to perform them and I don’t want businesses and charities to be forced to cover them with healthcare plans. If you don’t want government telling you what to do with your bodies, don’t make government pay for your bodies.
How’s that for limited government?

73 Comments on Tomi Lahren calls Pro-Lifers hypocrites, may be leaving The Blaze

  1. “I can’t sit here and be a hypocrite and say I’m for limited government but I think the government should decide what women do with their bodies.”

    It’s not just their bodies anymore.

  2. “My truth”, “government dictating” concerning women’s bodies. Typical lefty crap. Like the post says, the left is fine with government dictating our paying for abortion, against “our truth”.

  3. Well, I’ve made it a habit not to comment on abortion posts, but I’ll make an exception I’ll regret on this one. She’s right. If it were’n’t for abortion half the countries cities crime rates would resemble Detroits or Chicagos. If you want to end abortion get people back in the pews. And yes the Democrats created this but no conservative Mayor or Govenor will ever want to deal with the ramifications of dramatic increase in poor uneducated militant blacks.

  4. I want to know how far pro-choice women are comfortable with abortions. 6 weeks? 20 weeks? a week before birth? If you have a limit, then you are not really pro-choice, are you? And again, don’t force me pay for it and don’t force someone to perform them.

  5. MJA, Evil will always exist. It’s their decision, and know we should ‘t pay for it. Curious would we all feel the same about an aborted Muslim. I’m a simple guy and I say not me, because odds are—–

  6. Being a male..i have no standing here.

    But i do have one question.

    Do women magically get there some activity that they used their ‘choice’ to participate in?

  7. “And regarding the crime and abortion thing… It’s WELFARE that breeds and promotes criminal freaks.”

    Agreed, how fast can you correct that? Meanwhile it’s the big shooting gallery staged by people that hold their guns sideways.
    Correction will require true conservative rule and a couple generations. And religion.

  8. I don’t think she’s megyn kelly. I think she just talks a little too fast and didn’t understand she threw a lot of Conservative people under the bus. Pro choice always relies on gov. funding. That’s not limited gubmint.

  9. MJA, but my very sad but true message is with out abortion the ghetto would find you. Look at the numbers. Very sad, but very true. And no we should not be required to pay for anything we think is sinfull. Let the left figure it out.

  10. “If you want to end abortion get people back in the pews.”
    Absolutely, literally and hopefully at least, spiritually.

    Not to make light as I think it is sage advice/concern that my Pop said to me when I told him I proposed to my wife, “Remember son, the first child can come along any time after you’re married. Or… after you’re married, they can all take 9 months. It’s up to you.”

    It’s all, live for the moment and what’s in it for me, today. No accountability and no faith in a higher source beyond one’s self as long as they, feel good.

    But where are the “Dads” wanting injunctions against the “woman’s” right of her body? Where are the dads saying, “no, you can’t murder MY child.”

    “Throw away” society.

  11. Please stop ascending bubbleheads, who can’t help but virtue signal to the left because their minds are made of mush, to these cushy media jobs.
    She’s 24.
    Politically, that means you’re ignorant.
    Sorry, but it does.
    Your real life experiences beyond the age of 24 is what shapes and solidifies your political worldview.
    It’s why we have age restrictions on who can run for political office, and it’s why they go up the higher your responsibility is.
    24 is a neophyte.
    I can’t even get mad at her.
    I’m more mad at the people who popularized her. And I share part of that responsibility.

    On one hand we want to show that we have young, fresh good-looking personalities in our corner.
    But the danger of that is built-in.

  12. Example: Trump caused illegals in LA to stop accepting/ signing up for food stamps out of fear of getting deported. Fear is a good motivator.
    When uncle gubmint cuts off your unemployemnt, suddenly you find a job.
    When uncle gubmint tells you no more welfare, suddenly you remember who your baby daddy is and start asking for child support, and birth control is on the shopping list.
    Miracles happen!
    I have SEEN IT! 😀

  13. BFH,MJA, that’s bitchen shit, it really is. So how do we stop the Knock out game. How do we stop Black on White crime that is so outrageous and unreported it’s ridiculous. I’m no racist, but I’ll stand firm on what I’ve said here. I’m no damn Lib victim.

  14. First, I cannot take credit for this thought, I read/saw it somewhere regarding the hypocrisy of the left and abortion that (paraphrasing), if a single cell were found on another planet, the left would call that life and fight to preserve it at all costs. Yet, a human cell or fetus isn’t life.

  15. i get the feeling that she is putting up a good front about being conservative, but just beneath the surface is a liberal wanting to come out. kinda like what BFH said.

  16. Brad, how does abortion stop what’s going on NOW, though?
    It doesn’t. They are already born. But they can kill each other now if they like. Hell, start arresting their parents for their kids’ crimes. Start reducing their welfare as repayment. Start deportations.
    It’s not just dumb blacks and whites doing stupid shit out there.
    I’ll gladly pay for a deportation because that’s part of national security. Your abortion and welfare isn’t national security.

  17. If going with abortion helps keep crime down, then go all out and make post-birth abortion legal too.

    Make ok to take crimminals out up to the 1089th month.

    You could get a lot of volunteer “abortionists” that would even pay for the procedures themselves! What’s a little travel fuel and a few bullets cost? A lot less than a vacation and more productive than a month’s worth of work! Win-win-win

    If they make it to 90, they can be left alone.

    There. Problems solved.


    Is Tomi related to LiR?

  18. “Brad, how does abortion stop what’s going on NOW, though?”

    It doesn’t. it stop what will happen 15 years from now. I’m just a dumb white guy. And I didn’t create this problem.

  19. Sir Fur, don’t pick on us bubbleheads, submariners
    are people too!

    As for that video, didn’t make it to thirty seconds
    before I wanted to puke. Goddamn bimbos.

  20. Like I said, abort your race in to non-existence if you want. That’s between you and God. But I’m not going to pay for you to do it and you should be made to carry the shame of your actions by paying for it yourself. Pro choice involves more government involvement through legislation, coercion, deceit, threats, and taxpayer funding. So Tomi is wrong.

  21. “I can’t sit here and be a hypocrite and say I’m for limited government but I think the government should decide what women do with their bodies.”

    yet you expect government to pay for what women ‘decide’ to ‘do with their bodies’???

    pretzel logic at it’s finest

  22. ” It doesn’t. it stop what will happen 15 years from now.”

    No it won’t. Because you don’t know what those kids will do in that span of time.
    People have come out of the ghetto not being a disaster. It’s the people now that have to flip so their kids, grandkids don’t end up like that. The unborn are innocent in this. It’s not they who should be punished and I won’t punish them not knowing their futures.

    Besides, if 14 year old girl today realizes mom doesn’t get a welfare check anymore, she’ll be forced not to follow her mom’s footsteps. And if that doesn’t work, she’ll be dead by her own fate in the future. And at that point, I don’t give a shit.

  23. “No it won’t. Because you don’t know what those kids will do in that span of time.”
    By your logic we should let EVERY Muslim in that wants to come here. Seriously you can’t have it both ways.

  24. Who brought muslims into this? the discussion is limited government involving our citizens.
    I’m not having anything both ways.
    Limited government and national security would keep muslim ‘refugees’ out anyway.

  25. Bottom line I resent your art work of her standing in a pile of shit. If you view her shit I think you’ll agree with her more time than not. And yea she’s only 24. And yea fuck Glen Beck. Again we eat our own.

  26. I did the artwork, because Tomi needs to learn a lesson.

    She’s not as bright as she thinks she is. An appearance on THE VIEW has gotten her into waters she can’t handle.
    Her response is that she has her own truth.
    Or, as she puts it, “I stand in my truth.”

    Sorry, I think it’s funny.
    It’s not that I’m disagreeing with Tomi, necessarily.
    Don’t have to.
    The idiotic part is that she called abortion murder 3 months ago, and now you’re a “hypocrite” if you don’t think you have to pay for abortions.

    She doesn’t even make sense.
    She’s beclowned herself.

  27. As far as my art is concerned… I stand in my truth.

    There is no defending this idiotic appearance on The View.
    She didn’t even say, “my view on abortion is evolving. I think women should have the right to choose, but I understand that people should not be forced by the government to pay for them. I’m for limited government, and I’m okay with the law allowing the right to choose, but in no way should anyone be forced by the government into participating in the act.”

  28. Brad, you can trust who you want to trust, that’s your right to choose.
    I think she flaked and I don’t really trust her as a pundit.
    It looks like her views are fluid, depending on the audience she is addressing.
    She took the hardline stance of painting pro-lifers as the people who support government intrusion.
    They are living with Roe V. Wade, but they do not want to be forced to participate in it by government force.
    She got the entire issue ass backwards and it’s a basic fundamental.

  29. He should spend that much energy on our enemies. She’s probably not one of them.>>

    A: I spend more energy than most on going after enemies.
    B: “probably” – good word.

  30. “Brad, you can trust who you want to trust, that’s your right to choose.”

    You are totally missing my point. On a scale of 1 to 10 for the conservative movement where is she. I’m saying a 8 or 9. I follow most of the military or gun realated stuff because I make guns. She’s huge with that audience. And she projects a conservative agenda. What’s the deal? I can send you numerous links.

  31. Did you even watch both videos, Brad? I’m serious. You can’t see she where she was wrong?
    You don’t see the problem others on her sites have with her? She said what she said, and she deserves the responses she’s getting.

  32. I’m well aware of who Tomi Lahren is. I’ve linked to her since day one.
    And no, I won’t be linking any more if she doesn’t apologize for being so fucking dumb.
    It has nothing to do with her view on abortion. I care little that she is pro-choice.
    She got the basic fundamentals of the argument completely backwards, characterizing pro-choicers as the limited government crowd and pro-lifers as the oppressors.

    I wouldn’t trust her with a gun at this point.
    Besides, in 3 months she might say she is against “assault rifles.”

  33. I am not pro or against. But someone who has nothing knows
    nothing. live like there no reason does nothing.
    Will never do nothing IT IS not a good idea they have a child.
    300 hundred years ago more or less the child would of died because no food no nothing.

  34. The natural assumption that an unwanted baby is a future criminal is just flat out wrong. You know what else an unwanted baby is? A future doctor, engineer, wife, husband, productive member of society, and maybe the one who cured cancer. But we won’t ever know now, will we? Just carry on knowing it was for certain a future criminal.

  35. If it’s a life then protected by 4th.
    If it’s not a life then still protected by 4th.
    No person shall be deprived of life liberty or property without due process.
    Baby does not get a day in court to defend itself, therefore denied due process.
    If it’s a thing then the man is being denied his property without due process.
    What? The tissue doesn’t belong to the man? Science deniers! It takes two to tango, always has and always will, no matter how much science tries to “recreate what has already been perfected.”

  36. Yup, Menotu & BigGun, That was also my child she killed secretly out of selfishness.

    We have a 6 year gap between the first two surviving children that testifies every day to what she did.

    Don’t tell me men have no stake in this matter. That’s not true.

  37. I don’t want to get my fingers burnt here, but I have seen this young lady and my impression was that she seemed pretty “sure footed” (former boss’s term) for her age. I too am always wary of the “young up and comer” who is going to set the world on fire. At least in my line of work, you just can’t know that much about it all until you are into your 40s and have put in ~15 years of listening and learning.

  38. Sanctity of life. Period. Not quality or quantity. It’s not up to us to deny life based on what could be, on what they may become. Not our place.

    Life is precious. To say otherwise is to say that we are our own god. We decide who lives and who dies based on a whim. That’s dangerous ground.

  39. I’ll say it if nobody else has yet, WHATTA BITCH. “hypocritical?” I don’t recall the constitution giving us the right to ‘terminate’ [MURDER] our offspring, where is it again, TAMI? [what a gr8 name btw, not at all twit potential. nope.]

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