CA: Freak out over border patrol car at OC church – IOTW Report

CA: Freak out over border patrol car at OC church

KFI: The hysteria and rush to jump to conclusions is getting seriously out of hand these days.

On Friday, Rep. Lou Correa from Santa Ana flipped his lid over photos of a border patrol vehicle parked outside of Christ Cathedral Church in Garden Grove.

Correa wrote to Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, saying:

“Christ Cathedral is my church.  I know what it looks like, and these photos clearly show an ICE vehicle staking out the parking lot. This is despicable, and this behavior must end. It is intimidation, and it is wrong.”

ICE spokeswoman Virginia Kice said the car didn’t belong to ICE, it belonged to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

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9 Comments on CA: Freak out over border patrol car at OC church

  1. Operation Fortitude…Park a Customs and Border Patrol\ICE vehicle outside every shelter, church and taco truck is Southern California.
    Watch heads explode.

  2. I should start a production of fake INS magnetic stickers for people to put on their vehicles during normal daily life operations.

    Can you imagine the stress it would cause the illegals?

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