NYTimes: Convicted Alien Vote Fraudster’s Real Crime Was ‘Being Confused’ – IOTW Report

NYTimes: Convicted Alien Vote Fraudster’s Real Crime Was ‘Being Confused’

Breitbart: The protracted public relations campaign on behalf of a non-U.S. citizen found to have voted illegally in north Texas continued over the weekend pages of The New York Times.

Legal and media allies of likely future deportee Rosa Maria Ortega, 37, of Grand Prairie continue to press the public on the inherent unfairness of a Texas law stating that voting when not eligible is a class 2 felony. As Breitbart Texas previously reported, Ortega was indicted in 2015 after attempting multiple times to register to vote in Tarrant County after casting ballots as a Dallas resident in the years prior. When told by Tarrant election officials that she could not qualify for registration as a green card holder, she then claimed to be a citizen in a subsequent attempt—creating suspicion and a criminal investigation thereafter. Ortega was convicted of illegally voting in 2012 and 2014 and was sentenced to eight years in prison with deportation likely to follow.

The Times lent a friendly ear to Ortega over the weekend, noting that the junior high dropout continues to share her unhappiness with the proceedings:

Her punishment may be unprecedented for an offense that often draws a minimal sentence or probation. Ms. Ortega, who has a seventh-grade education and a sometimes shaky grasp on the complexities of her life, has steadfastly insisted that she did not know she was violating the law — that she is being imprisoned and probably deported for the crime of being confused.

The article later summarizes Ortega’s attorney Domingo Garcia’s outrage by casting doubts on whether the Texas county that originally accepted the “affluenza” defense in a fatal drunk-driving crash could fairly handle the voter fraud case. The puff piece then conflates different legal issues to paint Texas as a whole as discriminatory toward Hispanic voters:  more here

14 Comments on NYTimes: Convicted Alien Vote Fraudster’s Real Crime Was ‘Being Confused’

  1. Don’t forget that those two criminal invader rapists of the 14 yr old girl are in Jr. High at age 17 and 18! A 7th-grade education seems about right for the criminals to achieve!

  2. The real crime here is that of the NYT for publishing Brandon Thibodeaux’s sociopolitical opinion piece as “news” and continuing to pretend they don’t understand why everyone is so upset over “fake news.”

  3. An illegal voting is ONLY a class 2 felony?

    An illegal vote is an attempt to usurp the lawful authority of the American voter. As far as I’m concerned, an attempt to take over the government by illegal means is treason if done by a citizen, and an act of war if done by a foreigner.

    Illegals voting should be a capital crime.

  4. @harbqll March 21, 2017 at 11:26 am

    > the lawful authority of the American voter

    Dammit! You gotta warn people before that sorta thing! Now I gotta get another cuppa coffe and dry out another keyboard.

  5. “Ignorance of the law is no excuse!”

    This goes back to the whole notion of I.D. laws for voting. Maybe if you are too STUPID or INCOMPETENT to acquire and keep a government I.D. you are too incompetent to VOTE!

  6. Undermining the Republic?
    There’s a debate about this?

    Outside of the Gruber, Reid, Pelosi, and Obola conspiracy to deceive and defraud America, there’s no clearer case of Treason in the annals of crime.

    izlamo delenda est …

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