Sanctuary County Sets Loose 142 Criminal Aliens in One Week – IOTW Report

Sanctuary County Sets Loose 142 Criminal Aliens in One Week


Rogue Texas locality denies immigration detainers for suspects of assault, robbery, DWI and more.

Illegal immigrants charged with or convicted of crimes including sexual assault, arson, homicide, and aggravated assault are being released back into U.S. cities and towns because certain sanctuary jurisdictions refuse to comply with ICE detainer requests.

A total of 206 criminal illegal immigrants were released into surrounding communities for the week of Jan. 28 through Feb. 3, according to a report released Monday by the Department of Homeland Security.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is making available for public release the non-Federal jurisdictions that release aliens from their custody, notwithstanding that such aliens are subject to a detainer or similar request for custody issued by ICE to that jurisdiction,” the DHS said in its report.

The first Declined Detainer Outcome Report shows the illegal immigrants committed numerous crimes ranging from sexual assault, domestic violence, driving while intoxicated, and even aggravated assault. Some were even charged with robbery. One person from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was even charged, but not yet convicted, with homicide.  more here

Travis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez

31 Comments on Sanctuary County Sets Loose 142 Criminal Aliens in One Week

  1. It’s a challenge to the Texas Governor which I suspect he’ll take up. The State Police may well just roll in there one morning with an arrest warrant and a carload of State lawyers to remove the good sheriff from office for committing federal offenses. All the Governor has to do is get a list of these criminals that the Sheriff freed along with the offenses they are suspected of, or actually committed, and publicize them and whatever support the she has in Travis County will drain away. If one of them commits another offense after being released there will be calls for her head.

  2. If I ever do anything fucked up enough I’m going to at least try to convince the law I’m not a citizen. If it works, either they will set me free or deport me. If they deport me, it’s obviously easy enough to get back in. Heck, brain dead beaners mange to do it; with a little bit of smarts I can be as brain dead as them.

    Certainly beats doing the time for the crime as a citizen.

  3. Well, that’s leftist, wanna-be-California, up-their-own-ass Austin!

    Or, as we pronounce it, “Awwwwwww-st’n”!

    In their own countries, these criminal illegals would be locked in a stinking, overcrowded prison and fed a subsistence diet. In Sanctuary Cities here in Estado Unidos, they’re minor celebrities of the Left!

  4. First Austin is the county seat of Travis county not San Antonio. Gov Greg Abbot is well aware of the miscreant antics of ms Himnandez. Look for future responses from the governor. I don’t know if it will be a federal response or an arrest by the Texas Rangers. Yes we still have them and they are both respected or feared depending on which side of the law your on. This idiot sheriff who thinks she can rewrite laws to suit herself may well be a used as an example by the justice dept. I’m gonna go get that big popcorn machine down at sams. This is gonna get good PDQ

  5. This is an Hispanic imposter, just like an acquaintance of mine. That’s her married name. Acquaintance is a Pittsburgh native of Polish decent, but she married a fellow named Ortiz, and she leveraged that into being a full blown minority. The original Rachel dolezal.

  6. This kind of shit has to come to a fucking end, like right now! You mean to tell me the Governor or the Feds can’t do anything to stop this crap immediately? What the hell is going on around here!?

  7. Travis County is San Antonio…Ground Zero for illegal immigrants. Sheriff Winnebango probably has nine-tenths of her illegal, Hispanic family in there now.

  8. We need to be more accommodating to these poor guys. But we need the county’s help!

    They could, at least publish, the time and place of release on the street so we can form a welcome committee and bake them some pies.

    The pies will be so delicate and special we have to take the former inmates someplace quiet to enjoy them.


  9. Not San Antonio’s county!

    Sheesh! Where does this come from?

    S.A. is in Bexar County.

    Austin is in Travis County.

    My GF, when I was 16, didn’t believe Dallas was in Dallas County. “Can’t be the same” sigh

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