Saudi Arabia, no friend of ours – IOTW Report

Saudi Arabia, no friend of ours

19th Ward Chicago:

NEW YORK — In a stunning lawsuit seeking to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for 9/11, the families of 800 victims have filed a lawsuit accusing the Saudis of complicity in the worst terror attacks on American soil.

The legal action, filed in federal court in Manhattan, details a scenario of involvement by Saudi officials who are said to have aided some of the hijackers before the attacks.
Fifteen of the 19 hijackers were Saudi nationals and three of them hadpreviously worked for the kingdom.
The document details how officials from Saudi embassies supported hijackers Salem al-Hazmi and Khalid Al-Mihdhar 18 months before 9/11.
The officials allegedly helped them find apartments, learn English and obtain credit cards and cash. The documents state that the officials helped them learn how to blend into the American landscape.
The suit also produces evidence that officials in the Saudi embassy in Germany supported lead hijacker Mohamed Atta. It claims that a Saudi official was in the same hotel in Virginia with several hijackers the night before the attacks.
Many of the revelations in the lawsuit are culled from findings of an FBI investigation into the terrorist attacks. The suit filed by aviation law firm Kreindler & Kreindler claims some of the hijackers had special markers in their passports, identifying them as al-Qaida sympathizers.  more here

8 Comments on Saudi Arabia, no friend of ours

  1. The Saudi’s have never been real friends of either the west or democracy. The royal family and the thousand or so princes will proclaim their faith to allah while in the country but then off comes the robes and on comes the Armani suits, expensive liquors and drugs along with high priced call girls whenever they toddle off to the west.
    In any event the Saudi’s support terrorist organizations (however the support is generally the least they can get away with and is kept at arms length) in order for them not to turn on the Saudi’s themselves. Today’s terrorism is largely a product of Saudi support for Wahhabism way back in 1792 (the Al Saud family).

  2. The threshold of proof for a civil suit is not as high as a criminal suit.
    If they win the suit they may be able to seize Saudi assets here to fulfill the judgement. Such has happened before.

  3. Wow! Just wow! I always suspected the House of Saud was somehow complicit, but if half, just half, of what they’re asserting is true, then Saudi Arabia is an existential threat not only to the US, but to all of Europe as well.

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