Obama tried to legalize migrant accused of murdering 15-year-old stepdaughter – IOTW Report

Obama tried to legalize migrant accused of murdering 15-year-old stepdaughter

WT: The Obama administration last year began the process of granting legal status to a 36-year-old illegal immigrant with a long criminal rap sheet whom agents had twice tried to deport, and who now stands accused of killing his 15-year-old girlfriend, mother of one child with him and pregnant with another.

The Texas case, involving Armando Garcia-Ramirez, a Mexican, is raising new questions about immigration enforcement under President Obama, as supporters of President Trump point to the matter as proof of a broken immigration system.

Mr. Garcia may even have been the girl’s stepfather at the time he impregnated her — something federal authorities apparently missed last year after he was arrested for smuggling five other illegal immigrants into the U.S.  read more 

7 Comments on Obama tried to legalize migrant accused of murdering 15-year-old stepdaughter

  1. Does any one remember the 1980 Mariel boatlift? Castro emptied Cuba’s prisons and nuthouses and sent them here. Over Cuban 125,000 refugees flooded Florida and about 20,000 of them raised hell. They started a crime wave in southern FL that lasted over 5 years. The Dade County jail on any given day would house between 350 and 400 of these Cuban criminals, costing millions. But this is nothing compared to what has happened over the last eight years.

    What Obama and his sycophants in Congress have done is the Mariel boatlift on steroids.

  2. The Washington Times is wrong about it “raising new questions about immigration enforcement under President Obama”. No one who doubted it has any more questions. And no one who supported Obama wants any questions asked.

  3. if citizens held politicians accountable for the results of their actions taken while in they are in office, do you think the likes of clinton, pelosi, reid, schumer, obama, mcconnell, ryan, and bush would ever run for office in the first place ?

    accountability, it smells like freedom doesn’t it ?

  4. Texas (e.g.) could make big $$ by opening executions up for bidding, High bid wins one the right and duty to take out a piece of trash.

    The executions would of course need to be done humanely.

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