Theresa May thinks Islam has nothing to do with terrorism – IOTW Report

Theresa May thinks Islam has nothing to do with terrorism


Prime Minister May plays semantics.

Oh, for pity’s sake!

This morning Prime Minister Theresa May made it crystal-freaking-clear that she has no intention of doing anything of substance to combat radical Islamic terror.

Parliament – the very target of yesterday’s terrorist attack – was quick to demand that Prime Minister May dispel the notion that this attack had anything to do with Islam.


Who the hell knows why?

But if you want any proof that Great Britain is not prepared to face the problem of radical Islam, here it is in a nutshell.

When the very people targeted by this terrorist are more concerned with playing semantics than they are combatting a hateful ideology that seeks to destroy the West, they’ve effectively surrendered.

When challenged by MP Michael Tomlinson to reject the notion that Khalid Masood was an “Islamic” terrorist, Prime Minister May didn’t hesitate to pop out of her chair in thunderous agreement.

“I absolutely agree,” she declared. “And it is wrong to describe this as ‘Islamic terrorism.’ It is ‘Islamist terrorism.’ It is a perversion of a great faith.”

Islamic versus Islamist?  MORE

27 Comments on Theresa May thinks Islam has nothing to do with terrorism

  1. I can’t stand that woman.
    What party is she supposed to be with anyway? Whatever anyone says, she bobs her head in agreement no matter what or who… and she owns a quite impressive resting bitch face. What’s her deal?

  2. Ah Just fuckit! Judging from the shit coming out of all these hearings, My take is that General Michael Flynn got screwed by someone who COMMITTED A FELONY. Am I right or wrong.?

  3. Sadly, the American “education system” seems just as intent on surrendering to islam or any other enemy we face.

    A preschool in Illinois suspended a 4 year old little boy for 7 days for bringing a “shotgun bullet” (in actuality, a spent .22 caliber rim fire casing). God forbid we have little boys that will someday grow into actual men who know how to use a gun safely and properly. At this rate, we won’t be any better off than the Brits in a few years because all of our “men” will be too scared of guns to use them for the defense of our country.

  4. @Moe Tom — man, do I ever hear you!

    I think I’m going to make this suggest through the site: All trade agreements must contain language regarding the trade partner’s domestic policies on immigration and Islamic terrorism. Trump has a powerful amount of leverage in trade with entities like the U.K. Likewise, in our NATO alliances, we should lean on the EU partners who have unrestricted immigration from the ME and N. Africa. So long as any are allowing unrestricted immigration from terror-supporting countries and they refuse to acknowledge the inherent high risk of terrorism into their nations, they should pay a lot more than 2% of GDP for U.S. expenditures needed to eradicate that worldwide terrorism. It would be a game-changer if they had to start paying real money for their mistaken ideas of multi-culturalism.

  5. Never have so many been screwed over by so few in the name of political correctness.

    If the British keep this up the United States won’t be able to save their sorry A$$es like we did over 50 years ago.

  6. Bubba’s Bro. I’ll tell you we’re fucked. I told you here years ago that a .45 Cal NRA keepsake, with Charles Heston’s name inscribe
    on it was removed from my key chain at Newark Airport. The 21ish little cunt called it a missile. I objected. The supervisor, a 30ish
    fat, Pillsbury doughboy looking asshole agreed with the cunt.(Probably looking to get laid) I had to give it up or miss my flight. We are losing it. So many fucking stupid things happening that we have no control over. I’d hate to be around here 50 years from now. Unless Trump can make a turnaround, we’re fucked.

  7. It is a perversion of a great faith

    This right here, indicates that May is either too stupid, too incompetent, or too corrupt to be an elected official.

    Terrorism is the essence of islam.

  8. Hmmm. America came to Britain’s rescue in many wars over the last century. Lost thousands of men and millions in treasure.
    But now you won’t lift a finger in your own defense against a mortal internal enemy you deny the existence thereof, despite all the evidence. When they bleed you out? Don’t bother calling. We’re busy.

  9. @ Moe Tom – was it like this?

    That was a nice little keepsake for anyone to have and we don’t have Charlton Heston around to sign any more sadly. Even the most profoundly retarded person could tell you that is a harmless piece of metal with edges so rounded you couldn’t even scratch someone with it.

    I guess it is easier to hire idiots and tell them to confiscate anything that might even remotely look like a bullet or might possibly be shaped like a gun, no matter how small, than it is to actually hire people with even a shred of common sense and allow them to use it.

    I’m afraid you’re right that unless things quickly change drastically, the USA will be null and void for all practical purposes.

  10. Allah’s Apostle said, “I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand.” Abu Huraira added: Allah’s Apostle has left the world and now you, people, are bringing out those treasures.

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