Coulter to Trump: Get Back to Immigration, Trade, Infrastructure, Building a Wall — Not Paul Ryan’s ‘Standard GOP Corporatist Stuff’ – IOTW Report

Coulter to Trump: Get Back to Immigration, Trade, Infrastructure, Building a Wall — Not Paul Ryan’s ‘Standard GOP Corporatist Stuff’

Breitbart : Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” conservative commentator Ann Coulter, author of In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!, echoed her call urging President Donald Trump to get back on track on fulfilling his campaign promises and spend less time on “Paul Ryan’s priorities.”

“They seem to be Paul Ryan’s priorities, and also just the standard GOP corporatist stuff,” Coulter said. “What made Donald Trump stand apart from the crowd and apart from the crowd from every presidential candidate for 20 years was immigration, trade, infrastructure, building a wall. Obviously, that was very, very popular. A lot of people listen to all this time. Look, I like tax cuts. I’d love to have my taxes cut — 50 percent of people don’t even pay taxes. I think the bigger problem now is jobs. And I will not hold the emperor god responsible for this Obamacare-lite bill, but, oh for Pete’s sake. Am I the last person in America who understands the free market?”  read more [Video]

30 Comments on Coulter to Trump: Get Back to Immigration, Trade, Infrastructure, Building a Wall — Not Paul Ryan’s ‘Standard GOP Corporatist Stuff’

  1. coulter–for god sake,keep your damn hands off and out of your hair…[2mim ,6’run thru’ CUT IT OFF if it ‘bothers you so much… annoying to watch…

  2. I’m being hopeful still. Trump tweeted he likes Rand Pauls plans and that Ryans was negotiable. I have my fingers crossed the holdup is not Ryan winning, but his losing and being a stuburn moderate neocon

  3. Finally a talking head that agrees with me. Trump just walk away.
    period end of story.. sorry you should have picked the Freedom Caucus
    over Ryan and the Rhino’s. JOBS, WALL, TAX REFORM. That is all.
    Phase 1,2 & 3 kind of like the immigration act of 1986 The wall will be built phase 2 STILL FREAKING WAITING

  4. Trump should have insisted they pass the simple repeal bill that they’ve put through the last 6 years. And then deregulate etc. This replacement is BS and I’m disappointed Trump has allowed this to go on this long. I’m his biggest cheerleader but when I see something wrong, which this seems like a disaster, I’m going to call him on it. Cost would have gone down just repealing it.

  5. Wall. E-Verify. Massive self-deportations. Cutoff of all benefits to illegals.

    Jobs. Tax cuts. America First policy, foreign and domestic.

    The GOP RINOs naturally want to cattle-chute him down a RINO policy path.
    Obamacare is a minefield. I’d have advised him to push through his tax cuts, crime and deportation agendas first before tackling The 900 Pound Tar Baby.

    MAGA, Mr President.

  6. The problem with government health care is the “government” part. As a government program, it will always be cumbersome, less efficient, and susceptible to politics and corruption. You can try to “fix” a government health care system, but you end up replacing one scheme for another and it is still a government health care system.

    I had to explain it to someone like this: you always buy Poison White Bread, but it makes you sick. So you buy Poison Wheat Bread, and it makes you sick as well. The same goes with further experiments with Poison Rye Bread and Poison Sour Dough. Eventually, people need to learn it’s the poison and not the bread.

  7. If you can’t fix the VA why do you think you can fix the entire Health Care System. I cant believe Trump feel for Ryan’s bullshit.
    Probably because he’s not a Conservative.
    Let’s get new tax laws done just as quickly as RyanCare

  8. JTucker.

    Since taking office Trump has,
    Withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.

    Directing the elimination of regulations that undermine U.S. manufacturing.

    Calling for expedited approval of permits needed for American infrastructure.

    Imposing a hiring freeze on nonessential federal employees.

    Imposing a temporary moratorium on new federal regulations.

    Issuing a new rule that for every new regulation, two old regulations need to be eliminated.

    Creating a task force for reducing violence and crime in America.

    Ordering the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice to coordinate with each other to destroy drug cartels
    Beginning to build a “promised” wall along the country’s southern border with Mexico.

    Admit it. You hate the guy and he could walk on freaken water and you’d find something to bitch about. That Snarky bull shit “He’s not a real conservative” is wear thin.

  9. Think like Trump

    He is letting Ryan lead. When – hopefully- this fails, Ryan is proven a poor leader and old school neocon. If this passes, Ryan and those who voted for it are all proven to be old school neocon not a worthy of votes next election. Trump tweeted that future elections hang on this vote. He meant primaries for those who vote for RyanCare.

  10. Ryancare sucks as much as Obamacare. The reform bill CAN’T KEEP GIVING FREE SHIT TO ILLEGAL ALIENS. No health care system can survive this stupidity.

    Taking advice from Ryan is going to destroy Trump’s presidency. Ryan can’t be trusted at all. At best he is a sleezy cuck, at worst he is a treasonous cockroach.

  11. Bad Brad you are so off base. Trump went with the Ryan Health Care Law instead of listening to the conservative freedom caucus. that is a fact.
    the bill sucks that’s a fact. Paul Ryans answer to Obamacare is more government healthcare that’s a fact. So don’t get your panties in a wad
    Trump himself in a recent article on Drudge said it was a mistake to start off wwith health care reform. that’s a fact. if you look at all my posts I have been saying the same thing Tax reform, Wall, Jobs Jobs Jobs.
    And I love Gorsuch! Lighten up Francis. I want Trump’s Presidency to be successful because America wins. So what again is your problem with my post. Because I said he wasn’t conservative?? Well he isn’t. Sorry
    That is a true statement. Don’t be thin skinned we are on the same side.
    Find a safe space if you don’t like my posts.

  12. JTucker,

    Where ever I am is a safe space slick. You have not mentioned one damn positive thing about Trump, his administration, his cabinet picks, or anything he’s accomplished so far. Always the dig. “Not a real conservative”. This attempt at a health care bill was sloppy. I’m willing to agree on that. However I do believe it’s far more complicated that anyone here knows. It doesn’t bother me see the guy slammed when there’s room for improvement on something he’s attempted. But try tempering that with the realization he’s accomplished a lot of good in the short amount of time he’s been there.

  13. Bad Brad yeh everyone knows you sell guns big deal.
    He has done some good, I agree but when he goes off course I can be critical and back it up with facts. Trying to keep him focused is a good thing we should all want that. It’s not a dig when I say he’s not a conservative it’s a fact. He ran with Ryan instead of the Freedom Caucus That’s a fact.
    Liberals hate facts and that’s why they go to name calling like racist Nazi etc. When GBush went of course I said the same thing.
    I don’t care about feelings or if I offend. My arguments are strong and based on facts. What’s easier so called fix of healthcare or fixing the Corp tax rate the highest of any modern nation??
    Somethings he is focusing on don’t make sense to me and I wont stop expressing my point of view. Why is the head of the IRS still in office? Why is Comey still in charge of the FBI?
    Sorry you don’t like my style. I’m freaking tired of the politically correct bullshit.

  14. If she said something like this before the election, the comments would be full of people calling her a cuckservative and a nevertrumpster. Trump is by definition always right and if you don’t agree with everything He says when He says it (even when He changes his mind [which He never does, thanks to the memory holes at the Ministry of Truth]), you are a RINO.

  15. This is nothing but cheap sniping from the Cruzbots that are still butt hurt. The cheap seat critics. It’s not surprising. I think we all knew it would happen. I’m sure we will hear a few I told you so’s before his first term is up.

  16. Guess CStevenTucker was wrong again. Bill was pulled. Good, this will save Trumps Presidency. WALL, TAXES, JOBS !
    Let Obamacare fall under its own weight. Only Democrats voted for the piece of shit. We now have Republicans saying pass the bill to find out what’s in it. Are you freaking kidding me.
    I just hope Trump knows the Freedom Caucus just saved his ass.
    Now lets start the WALL. Cut Corp Tax rate to 10% and watch the economy take off. Trillion dollar infrastructure bill is dead too.
    See Brad all positive.

  17. “Holy crap now it’s about Cruz?? Are you freaking kidding me?
    Brad you drank all the Kool-Aid.
    you just proved Geeknerd correct.”

    Well lets see, we have several #Nevertrumpers here, including yourself, that average maybe 5 posts a day, and suddenly they are posting at a rate of about 5 every millisecond. I think I can statistically prove your either jovial in his demise our sexually excited over your keyboard. Wada ya think?

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