Mayor de Blasio Donor Raised Nearly $200K in Exchange for Favorable Treatment – IOTW Report

Mayor de Blasio Donor Raised Nearly $200K in Exchange for Favorable Treatment


Jona Rechnitz, a major donor to New York City Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio, told prosecutors he had “many” talks with a fund-raiser about receiving “official acts” as a result of his donation.

There are letters that detail Rechnitz’s cooperation with prosecutors in the investigation into de Blasio’s fund-raising tactics, New York Daily News reported Friday.

Rechnitz raised nearly $200,000 for de Blasio. In October 2013, Rechnitz bundled more than $40,000 for the mayor and gave $50,000 to the mayor’s nonprofit, Campaign for One New York, in January 2014. Another $102,000 was donated to the New York Democratic Senate Committee in October 2014, in a failed effort by de Blasio to swing the Senate away from Republican control.

A letter on July 20 revealed prosecutors were, “actively investigating a fund-raiser for an elected official in connection with promises of official acts made to donors to that elected official.”



11 Comments on Mayor de Blasio Donor Raised Nearly $200K in Exchange for Favorable Treatment

  1. Also OT: dangit, Fur, isn’t there any way to offer a pay version of the site that would skip these obscene ads? The homos and freaks are revolting. I would gleefully pay to not have to see them!

  2. @BadBrad.

    Ho hum. Another day in Europe and another day of cowardice. What’s the perps name today?
    Ive lost the ability to care anymore. I’m glad I had the opportunity to enjoy Europe in the late 70s thru the early 80s.

    The signs were already there when I left.

    I’ll put this in time perspective for you. I was in the american watering hole and there was a group of north Africans. They kept feeding the jukebox and playing Steve Winwood, “arc of a diver” over and over and over I went to play something else and they threatened me. Don’t fuck with me, I have a razor in my shoe. That was 1981 or 82 It was evident that something bad was happening in Italy.
    Returned for a visit in 1993. My early fears were confirmed.

    I’ll never go back. Never.

  3. Stupid humans, they never know when to give up and just live and let live. It’s always got to be about what you believe in. And then if it doesn’t match up with their thoughts, they get all chimpnado on you and yours. I’m moving to Iceland. Fuck this shit, and deblasio, that homo.

  4. “I guess it’s so common place it’s not news worthy anymore.”

    c’mon Brad … didn’t you hear PM May the other day? … just like W … go on about your business … all is well … all is well ….

    after all … what’s a few, or few dozen, or few hundred, a few thousand lives in the big picture of OneWorld? … let’s all join hands & sing …..

  5. “Favorable Treatment” isn’t quid pro quo. It’s just not brutalizing the livestock for sh!ts and g!ggles. If you can’t pay your professional betters to not be brutalized, as much as your neighbors, then what future is there for representative government?

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