Discussion About GOP Replacement to Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House Intensifies in White House, Congress – IOTW Report

Discussion About GOP Replacement to Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House Intensifies in White House, Congress

Breitbart: Republican officials in Congress and the White House are now openly discussing finding a GOP replacement to Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) as Speaker of the House, after Ryan failed to pass the American Health Care Act out of the House and misled the public and President Donald Trump when he promised repeatedly the bill would pass.

Ryan was caught on an audio file from October—obtained by Breitbart News and published a couple weeks ago—saying he is “not going to defend Donald Trump—not now, not in the future.” While the audio file does not make the comments clear, Ryan’s staff later claimed that it was specifically about the Access Hollywood tape scandal from the election. The audio tape of Ryan, recorded from a House GOP members’ conference call, does not make that context clear.

Many allies of the president and several White House officials over the weeks since have confirmed to Breitbart News that the president is concerned that Ryan may not have his—or his agenda’s—best interests at heart. Ryan’s failure to deliver the votes on healthcare cement Trump’s skepticism of Ryan, they say.

“Speaker Ryan proved today that he does not have the best interests of the President at heart,” said another source close to the president. “He sold out the president and showed his word can be taken with a grain of salt. There is only one course of action that should be taken to move past this catastrophe and that is the swift removal of Paul Ryan from the speakership.”  read more

34 Comments on Discussion About GOP Replacement to Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House Intensifies in White House, Congress

  1. I’ve been predicting RINO Ryan would prove himself unreliable and would soon be removed. Both by choice and by necessity.
    Looks like it may happen sooner than expected. All the better.

    Ryan has now publicly failed his President.
    I don’t see any scenario where Trump does not arrange his replacement with a can-do guy. And the sooner the better.

    I just saw Trump quoted as saying let Obamacare collapse and take the Dems down with it, since they have refused to replace it. Good approach.

  2. These bitch members of the house only say..”well no one else was qualified to replace Bonehead Boehner”…really??? maybe you should resign your seats and come home, useless TWATTWAFFLES!

  3. How about electing a speaker who represents the voters who elected him in his district rather than the federal chamber of commerce that paid for his campaign.

  4. @MJA – he was speaker because he agreed to “play ball.”

    He just never thought Trump would win. With all the cheating, he was assured. Now he has to play it out. The dems will disavow everything.

  5. I’m scratching my head, and my nuts, between sips of Absolute.
    I can’t make head nor tail of these great Republican victories, 2012, 2014, and 2016. Oil beef hooked.

  6. These people are dead to me.
    Boehner and his bunch had the opportunity to kill BarryCare dead and didn’t do it. We should be surprised?
    I would rather hear a Congress critter beg for his life than ever give them another chance. What is so hard about “No”?

  7. What we have in DC right now for politicians — are trained actors. Maybe this is why they get along so well with Hollywood.

    They apparently have no idea how to do the job for which they were elected. They know NOTHING about the Constitution – which they SWORE to uphold, they need to be FIRED and replaced with responsible adults who have the expertise to get it done!

  8. And BTW – letting these rogue judges make policy is complete BULLSHIT! They are braking the law by not upholding the law. I don’t even mean Trump’s executive orders.We have laws already in place regarding illegals, and they have been ignored for years and years. Obama took advantage of that. He and his “bothers” figured no one at this point knew what to do about it or had the balls to do anthing.

    Enter President Trump – build the wall. Enforce immigration laws. Don’t let the invasion of our country continue.

  9. The only negative in this story is that the media, hollywood, libs of all forms will stick this on Trump more so than the House and paul ryan. I’m looking forward to some Twitter stuff coming out.

  10. This entire debacle is in the lap of Ryan. He is 100% responsible for its failure. It’s my belief he’s either under a false flag (takes money from Soros, wife is life-long liberal democrat) or is hopelessly incompetent. Either way he can’t cut it and for the good of the country and the party should tender his resignation as Speaker forthwith.

  11. Support no one from the Freedom Caucus or you will have a rerun of Ryan. That includes two
    mentioned above, Jim Jordan and Justin Amash. The list is at Wikipedia and many other sites.
    These are the anti Trump, anti Constitution, pro amnesty congressmen.
    Also, remember, Pence and Priebus are best friends with Paul Ryan. Trump needs to clean house and get better advisers in the White House. He may have a plan but this is not working so far.
    The best solution is to vote all of them out of office assuming we can find people who won’t turn Rino on us after the election. We have a long battle ahead of us.

  12. It’s proved nearly impossible to predict if someone who seems conservative while running for office actually IS a conservative once elected, so we’ve ended up screwed more often than not. Because conservatives are so sick of it, sooner or later they just won’t vote. Then the real “Let It Burn” happens as the Left takes all.

    This is our last shot but the Rs are playing to lose. On purpose.

  13. @Rufus, Justin Amash is going to be my Rep as soon as I move (this summer, I hope). I really like much of what he says. Not everything, but he is one man who does what he says. That’s so rare in Congress.

  14. One of President Trump’s favorite adages is “Never confuse effort with results.”

    One of the best solutions to some problems is to just let whatever it is break. He’s already stated several times that from a political standpoint the worst thing that can happen to the D’s is to let o-care implode. It’s their law, it’s their colossal failure. His support of a bill to repeal — any bill — was genuine. It wasn’t a perfect bill, but it was a start. And given the in-fighting between the Uniparty R’s and the HFC R’s, it’s surprising they were even close to any agreement, and any agreement they had at all was because of Trump.

    But my real point here is that he’s given Ryan his turn at bat, Ryan pushed his President-Wanabe, “A Better Way” (or whatever Ryan’s alternate Republican platform was called) healthcare bill and the facts now speak for themselves.

    I don’t trust Paul Ryan and I don’t think Trump really does, either. But Trump didn’t meddle in the regular order of congressional business, and I think it’s because he knew Ryan couldn’t deliver. Either way, if had passed or if it hadn’t would have meant a win for Trump. Nothing new there. Go back to Scott Adams blogging during the primary and you’ll see how Trump always gets a win under all circumstances. He’s a Zen master at allowing circumstances to put internal pressure on the actors.

  15. @Grool – I think this is another way that socialists/fascists have subverted our govt. They say all the right buzzwords while running for office as a conservative when they are in fact not.

  16. I’m starting to miss Michele Bachmann more and more.
    She was on top of the Obamacare lies, the Muslim Brotherhood evil, and all the RINO bullshit etc. etc. all along!

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