Feminism Is Literally Killing Women By Telling Them That 3rd World Countries Are Safer Than The West – IOTW Report

Feminism Is Literally Killing Women By Telling Them That 3rd World Countries Are Safer Than The West


The night before she died, Danielle had met some British tourists at Palolem.

One of them, Dave Woodruff, 37, said she was ‘free-spirited’ and ‘really interesting’ but that a group of about five [Indian] men ‘would pull her back and say, “You’re with us, remember?”.’

He told The Guardian that Danielle shrugged off the instructions…

— The Daily Mail, reporting on the events preceding Danielle McLaughlin murder in India

Feminism kills. And for Australian Elly Warren and dual British-Irish national Danielle McLaughlin it literally killed them. Years of cultural indoctrination have taught Western women that they are supposedly in constant danger at places like American college campuses, but can “find themselves” Eat, Pray, Love-style in perilous Third World countries. Even with the hazier statistics-gathering employed in poorer societies, we can easily tell that this is an unabashed lie.

Danielle McLaughlin’s rape and death by strangulation in India is the most recent high-profile example of a white girl enabled by a self-infatuated professional feminist clique. Because the white male lower middle-class accountant back home, whether in North America, the United Kingdom, Europe, or Australia, is the true embodiment of all evil, women like McLaughlin are encouraged to spread their time in far-flung, poverty-stricken countries where tourists, who live like kings compared to the locals, are prime targets for petty robbery, let alone more painful crimes like mutilation, rape, or homicide.  read more

14 Comments on Feminism Is Literally Killing Women By Telling Them That 3rd World Countries Are Safer Than The West

  1. This is why the newly ascendant racists need to be shoved back in their cages. Progressive women shouldn’t have to travel half way around the world, just to be raped to death.

  2. Forty years ago, as a very young woman, I was traveling in Europe with my grandmother. We took a tour to the Copenhagen Zoo.
    I wanted to get away from the old fogies and be a free spirit. I met a young man who offered to take my picture. After that, I could not ditch him, even after waiting in the bathroom for a long time.
    I finally saw a person from our group and joined back up with them. I was scared because it dawned on my immature brain that I could disappear and no one would know what happened to me.

  3. I saw on Facebook the profile an old work associate. When I knew him he had 2 young daughters who are grown now-millennials. Each girl is covered in tattoos. One hangs out with goth bands. The other, quit school to travel to Mexico, Cuba. Bogata all by herself! She stays in hostels and documents her travels on a blog. She has Tinder encounters and discusses those. Good god. Are her parents proud? Can’t tell- but they are divorced. My long ago co worker lives in Japan now. They are all far lefty libtards too.

  4. Yeah, they think they’re bold and brave and are sure that because they’re harmless and free-spirited they think that everyone else is, too.
    Ever watch locked up abroad? LOL
    Go try being free-spirited and chatty with some Africans and central Americans, especially after sundown.
    All the news of the world at their fingertips, but they refuse to look and at and accept the warning signs.

  5. I have a friend who took a group of tourists to Cuba. He kept crowing about what they were going to do and about how “enlightened” Obama was to open up that country to us. I kept my mouth shut and let him drone on about what they were going to learn and benefit from their trip. After all, he is more worldly and tolerant than me. I’m just a rube.

    They went three months ago. I have not heard one peep from him. I almost asked him how he “enjoyed” Cuba the last time I saw him, but I’m just enjoying the silence.

  6. It would be beneficial if these unencumbered free-spirited nomads, traveling on Mom & Dad’s dime, could share the tribal traditions and danger that awaits them on the journey. Oh wait, they can’t.

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