Naked people slaughter a sheep at Auschwitz death camp – IOTW Report

Naked people slaughter a sheep at Auschwitz death camp

Warsaw (AFP) – Eleven men and women in their twenties on Friday slaughtered a sheep and took their clothes off at the former Nazi German death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, according to police and the museum at the site in southern Poland.

The individuals aged 20 to 27, whose identities and motives are unknown, then chained themselves together in front of the camp’s infamous “Arbeit macht frei” (“Work makes you free”) gate, the museum said in a statement.

Regional police spokesman Sebastian Glen said the seven men and four women draped a white banner with the red text “love” over the infamous gate.

They also used a drone to film the incident, according to local media.  read more

12 Comments on Naked people slaughter a sheep at Auschwitz death camp

  1. Never really grasped the enormity of the horror of the Holocaust until eleven naked people slaughtered a sheep. Just never let it in … Man

    Now, I GET IT! Thank you, Proggtards

  2. @Phil Swill:

    …I don’t believe anything unless I experience it — it’s called higher living through quantum physics…

    But Phil, once you’ve experienced a quantum event, it’s forever altered. You’ll never be able to truly share it! (-:

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