Phase One of Obamacare Repeal and Replace is Over – IOTW Report

Phase One of Obamacare Repeal and Replace is Over

AmericanThinker: Don’t worry: Congressional Republicans all understand the world of hurt they are in for, if they ask their supporters to re-elect them without having repealed Obamacare. There is going to be major healthcare reform, but working out the details turns out to be (surprise!) complicated, and turning over the new plan to Paul Ryan was a mistake, as was the strategy of narrowly tailoring the law to reconciliation with 51 Senate votes.

Meanwhile, tax reform can’t wait. That is how we get the economy moving and improve people’s lives before they vote in November 2018.

Donald Trump knows that you always have to be prepared to walk away from the deal, or in the current case, the House vote.  The need to make a deal, any deal, hands leverage to the other side. He said so in The Art of the Deal, and besides, every competent negotiator knows it.

Now, both caucuses of the House and both parties need to face up to the slow motion collapse of Obamacare, as premiums continue to soar and insurers vanish from entire state markets. There will be sob stories aplenty.

Democrats just could not help themselves, rejoicing on camera over the humiliation of the Republicans. They are celebrating the disaster that will unfold, and those clips will live on in GOP video ads. They reiterated their continuing ownership of Obamacare with this celebration.   read more

21 Comments on Phase One of Obamacare Repeal and Replace is Over

  1. This pretty much sounds just about right.

    Refute it, if you can.


    “Folks, even the most cursory research shows immediately that Trump is and always has been fully in favor of so-called “universal” or “single-payer” healthcare. These psychopathic fools have no intention of ever undoing Obamacare – only making it worse. The problem with healthcare in the U.S. is the fact that felony price-fixing and felony anti-competitive practices are not only overlooked, but fully supported by your kleptocratic oligarchy. The insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies, in particular, engage in price-fixing, price gauging and collusion so severe that it is literally a capital-level crime against humanity. The solution to the healthcare mess is to make non-catastrophic insurance ILLEGAL, and enforce US Code 15, Chapter 1. Quoting Denninger now:

    “You need just one simple requirement to be enforced against every medical provider of any kind: Everyone must post a price and everyone pays the same price; any sort of hiding, collusion, cost-shifting or similar is met with indictments, prosecution and prison for consumer fraud and racketeering along with violations of the Sherman, Clayton and Robinson-Patman acts.”

    Prices for all healthcare and healthcare commodities would immediately fall an average of 90%, maybe more, within a matter of months, and maybe weeks. Do you understand that this means that health insurance would be UNNECESSARY, just as it has been for the entire history of the world up until just a few short years ago? Has this thought never occurred to you? How could something go from being completely unnecessary and even illegal, to “necessary”, required by “law”, and being a larger cost than most people’s rent or mortgage payment? Doesn’t this seem very, very, very wrong? Of course. It is one of the biggest scams in monetary terms ever executed, and as you all have just witnessed, none of the psychopaths in your kleptocracy has any intention of doing anything about it except to grow it and protect it.

    But, but, but… the quality and sophistication of care and technology justifies the increase in price, you say?

    Three words:

    LASIK Vision Correction.

    Free market, not covered by insurance, all prices posted and advertised.

    MASSIVE price deflation with simultaneous technological advancement.

    It’s down to $250 per eye now, I see. 20 years ago it was $5000 per eye. I’m no math genius, but that appears to be a 95% reduction.

    This would be exactly the case with heart bypass, cancer treatments, childbirth, and pretty much everything else. EVERYTHING. Except for the collusion, price fixing and price gauging that the current healthcare racket is built upon. Almost everyone could pay cash for their own healthcare expenses, and the indigent poor could be easily covered by, oh, I dunno… THE CHURCH (imagine that!!) and other secular charitable groups.

    I’m sorry, but if you were dumb enough to think that Trump or the congress would ever, ever, ever unwind the biggest racketeering matrix in human history, you deserve what you get. Keep writin’ those quarterly tax checks! I’m sure if the Republicans can just pick up a few more seats… OH. WAIT.”

    -Ann Barnhardt

  2. If one president forces his idea of healthcare on people why can’t another president do the same.
    Not getting rid of Obamacare but a second choice.
    We are not getting rid of Obamacare; which no one asked for.
    So now Trump is free to offer his (forced healthcare).
    Take your pick

  3. “Third Party Payer” is an inherently parasitic system, no “party” be it insurance company or government is going to do something for nothing.

    As I’ve said for years, the ONLY way to make actual healthcare cheaper is to outlaw all third party payer schemes and allow providers to post and advertise prices, to actually compete.

  4. Outside of common sense rules and minimal regulations to ensure citizens are treated fairly and healthcare businesses provide the services they sell, the Federal Government should exit their scheme of socialized healthcare.
    Free enterprise, free markets for a Free people who are willing and able to make their own decisions without BIG Government intrusion.

  5. Lazlo’s wife’s brother passed from complications from Leukemia yesterday.
    Six months ago His medication co-pay went from $800.00 a month to $15,000 a month.
    No fucking surprise he gave up, and started drinking heavily.
    Let Obama care explode
    Take your time and get us the best replacement you can.
    You can’t fix everything or everybody’s situation.
    But, you can do better.
    We believe in Our President.
    Those miserable fucks in the GOPe, not so much.

  6. “Health” care is just another (extremely large) way to control a population.
    We can’t expect the RINOs to give it up without a fight.
    They understood the totalitarian desire to control the network (because they share that desire) and want to see themselves on the receiving end of the corruption, rather than the Bolsheviks (D).
    I don’t know how far they’re willing to push the American people before we really re-assert our sovereignty and hang all these odious fucks – but I’m fairly certain that most of them don’t see any downside, because otherwise, they wouldn’t go down that path. History has proven that populations have a nearly inexhaustible tolerance for abuse (see Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Soviet Union, China, Germany, Italy, France, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, the entire benighted continent of Africa, &c.) and we, of course, are no different.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. @ sTevo March 26, 2017 at 8:18 am I will not vote for any incumbent senator of congressman ever again.

    Welcome to the club. This option was open 30 years ago. Where have you been? Don’t forget judges.

  8. This is it, folks. This is a time of reprieve, a moment in history, and the only one we’re likely to get.

    But it’s being blown. Wasted. On purpose.

    All the Leftists need to do now is sit back and wait to retake absolute power. Then we’re done for good because barring some major change on their part, the Republicans are handing it to them. And the Left will have all manner of theft and fraud screwed down tight next time.

    Trump can’t do this by himself.

  9. @Redacted: “Welcome to the club. This option was open 30 years ago. Where have you been? Don’t forget judges.”

    True that! In my little corner of the world, district and circuit court judges typically retire mid-term, and their successor is appointed based on recommendations by the Bar (liberal attorneys). At the next election, the newly-appointed judge runs as an incumbent (often unopposed) with a huge advantage. These judges then move up the ladder to the state appeals and supreme courts. And that is how a baker who refuses to bake a cake gets financially ruined for life, in a one-party state.

  10. ‘Obamacare’ isn’t health care. it’s an insurance scam.
    Repeal THEN Replace. If it needs replacing, after the country gets back to normal after the Repeal part.
    I guess I should not be surprised at the amount of people (sometimes rational people) who think the world will end if Ocare is repealed. Chicken Littles, all of them.

  11. Doctor: “You’ve got a tumor.”
    Patient: “What are ya gonna do?”
    Doctor: “Excise it and replace it with another tumor.”
    Patient: “Are you fuckin shittin me?”
    Doctor: “This is too complicated for you to understand.”

    Patient: “You’re fired. Fuck off, eat shit, and die. Get me the fuck outta this hospital.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. TO Bad_Brad

    Gotta respectfully disagree

    I’m not of the opinion that Ryan’s bill was the right way to go.
    It’s PURE SPECULATION “why” Trump supported it (“sincerely” in favor of Ryan’s – and Ryan’s contributors’ – bill or “head fake” in anticipation of the bill’s failure).

    As painful as it will be, it will be OBAMAcare – and *not* TRUMPcare – which will fail and MUST BE REMOVED to be replaced witrh more common sense private sector (and nationwide – i.e. interstate) solutions. Yes, painful but, yes, much, much more effective.

  13. Everything about PDT’s about Trumps pre-2013 past is made up. Everything about PDT post-come-to-Jesus conversion to the Gospel of Conservatism is True.

    Wait…What is the nature of “Truth” again? Swallowing PDT’s hypnotic rants about “making America Great Again” has caused brain-freeze.

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