“Teeth” in woman’s taco turns out to be… – IOTW Report

“Teeth” in woman’s taco turns out to be…

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29 Comments on “Teeth” in woman’s taco turns out to be…

  1. I just had the best tongue tacos for dinner. I get them about twice a month at a local, independent Mexican food place. Tongue is quite tasty if simmered for hours with lots of garlic, skinned while hot, cubed for hot meals, or refrigerated to slice for sammishes with mustard.

  2. Meanwhile at the processing plant: “Haz eenyone seen Luiz? I can’ fin him anywhere. Last I saw heem he went into de meat grinding room….. You can meez heem he haz da big teeth….”

  3. @Vietvet, I grew up on a farm in countryfuck Nebraska,
    hehehe…… I’ve seen it all…..
    Put it on a stick, burn it on a grill, and I’ll probably
    eat it.

  4. Ewwww.

    I was offered chorizo years ago. Now, I appreciate using every part of an animal (though it doesn’t have to be all for food), and not all chorizo is the same. BUT I checked the ingredients at the south Texas market where I did my regular shopping. IDK why, but lymph glands and a ton of spices to cover up whatever it tasted like originally just put me off it. Matter of fact, I don’t get all Bourdainy one bit. That guy is a dick anyway. If I don’t shoot, catch, or readily recognize where it came from, I’m not eating it.

  5. More BS. I have traveled extensively and lived in Mexico. Every place I’ve seen Barbacoa in Mexico, it is plain ole’ beef brisket………shredded beef.
    Mouth parts are used to make Chorizo, including the salivary gland.
    These people are so full of cow shit. Regardless of what it is, the cook should have caught it before serving it. I got a cat jaw in a taco in Juarez once and dumped the guys cart over. Cops came, saw the cat jaw (with teeth) and slapped the vendor around some more for me.
    Never eat at this dump.

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