9/11 Trial: ‘20th Hijacker’ Offers to Testify About Saudi Link to 9/11 Attacks – IOTW Report

9/11 Trial: ‘20th Hijacker’ Offers to Testify About Saudi Link to 9/11 Attacks


A convicted jihadist serving a life sentence in federal prison as the “20th hijacker” in the September 11, 2001, attacks on the U.S. homeland has reportedly offered to testify during the 9/11 trial to “expose the Saudi Royal double game with” the late al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

His offer comes as hundreds of families have filed a lawsuit that, unlike others, contains a detailed account of Saudi Arabia’s role in the 9/11 attacks.

“I am willing to fully testify on the 9/11 case, even if I was charge on the death penalty case as it incriminate me,” Zacarias Moussaoui, self-identified as “Slave of Allah,” said in broken English in a hand-written letter.

“My take is he would like to be in the spotlight and is bored in solitary,” Edward MacMahon, the terrorist’s former defense attorney told the Miami Herald.

In response to his allegations, the Saudi Embassy has labeled the French-born U.S. prisoner as a “deranged criminal.”

Besides “Slave of Allah,” he also signs his filings as an “Enemy Combatant,” which he reportedly is not.

Currently, the 48-year-old Moussaoui is serving life behind bars at the SuperMax prison in Florence, Colorado.

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10 Comments on 9/11 Trial: ‘20th Hijacker’ Offers to Testify About Saudi Link to 9/11 Attacks

  1. How could anyone believe him? The Saudis literally made a pact with the devil by allowing Wahhabism to flourish, doubtless thinking it would keep the masses pacified. Instead it just kicked the can down the road allowing the nutjobs like Bin Laden to pose a genuine threat to them.

    Sure there are jihadi sympathizers in the Saudi government, but the same can be said for OUR government!

  2. I’d like to know the rest of the story. The planning
    stages for this had to be during the Klinton regime and
    his pussyfoot treatment of the muzzie incursions.

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