Why Gorsuch’s hearings are actually proof the pro-life movement has never been stronger – IOTW Report

Why Gorsuch’s hearings are actually proof the pro-life movement has never been stronger

CR:  Just when Democrats are fighting the confirmation of Justice Neil Gorsuch, in part because they assert he will hurt abortion “rights,” state legislatures are accomplishing more for the pro-life cause than ever before. This dichotomy demonstrates the liberal mindset regarding Roe, how much conservatives can accomplish when they remain persistent and patient, and the volatile nature of the seemingly omnipresent abortion debate.

The hysteria over Judge Neil Gorsuch’s pending confirmation to the United States Supreme Court is predictable yet sad because of said predictability. The man is clearly qualified and a legal textualist as most conservatives wanted, yet because of — and in spite of — this, Democrats are balking wildly and loudly.

Over what? Roe. v. Wade.

A Bloomberg subhead reads, “Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation to the Supreme Court would reboot a 25-year campaign to chip away at abortion rights.” A piece in The New York Times states, “Judge Neil M. Gorsuch has written little about abortion, and we do not know whether he would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that established abortion as a fundamental right.”

The Supreme Court is in desperate need of an experienced, intelligent, qualified person of jurisprudence. Though Democrats may have easily found someone with more liberal leanings a la Ruth Bader Ginsburg, they’d be hard-pressed to find a person with more qualifications like Gorsuch. Yet it’s clear through the confirmation process that Democrats and the liberal media value abortion so much and lack an understanding of both law and the importance of the role of a justice as it relates to established precedent they’re still whining like a toddler over milk not yet spilled.

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7 Comments on Why Gorsuch’s hearings are actually proof the pro-life movement has never been stronger

  1. Well-written article. If it weren’t a grossly graphical comparison, pro-lifers could launch an ad campaign recalling early Dem’s insistence on 3/5ths of a person when it comes to blacks and unborn babies.

  2. And the epithet attached to Gorsuch by the D’s is and will be “Originalist!”, said in such a way one would believe he is also a “Flat Earther!”

  3. If the left considers abortion a ‘right,’ then they should see that it so enshrined in the Constitution by passing an amendment doing so. Failing that, they can STFU about it. Don’t want a pregnancy? Don’t engage in conduct that will result in one.

  4. @Sleipnir 2013 March 27, 2017 at 9:05 am

    > If the left considers abortion a ‘right,’ then they should see that it so enshrined in the Constitution by passing an amendment doing so.

    That would limit it to “reasonable” restriction in the government’s interest. Until it’s time had past, as to be unnecessary for the government’s interest. Then it can be regulated, rather than legislated, away.

    Best to just pretend the royalty of the court can see the existence of what what the livestock can not.

  5. Isn’t it funny how “precedent” is so sacrosanct to the liberals except when they don’t agree with the precedent?

    By the way, I hate that photo of Neil Gorsuch; it makes him look too much like Christoph Waltz in Inglorious Basterds.

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