Social justice warriors admit hanging ‘white nation’ posters on campus – IOTW Report

Social justice warriors admit hanging ‘white nation’ posters on campus


ST. PETER, Minn. – Social justice warriors at Gustavus Adolphus College are claiming responsibility for posters on campus that declare “America is a white nation” and urge students to “report any and all illegal aliens.”

“A notice to all white Americans,” the posters read. “It is your civic duty to report any and all illegal aliens to U.S. Immigrations (sic) and Customs Enforcement.

“They are criminals. America is a white nation.”

The posters were put up last week in the Beck Academic Hall and the message triggered students to rip them down and throw them in the trash, and to immediately report what they considered racist hate speech to college officials, Campus Reform reports.

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5 Comments on Social justice warriors admit hanging ‘white nation’ posters on campus

  1. So when a leftist puts up this sign it’s a ‘theatre project’ and is NOT an actual hate/bias incident, but if anyone other than a leftist put it up it’s “RAAAAAACISM!!!!!” Is that correct?

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