2 charged with felonies for filming undercover fetal tissue sales videos – IOTW Report

2 charged with felonies for filming undercover fetal tissue sales videos


LOS ANGELES (AP) — California prosecutors on Tuesday charged two anti-abortion activists who made undercover videos of themselves trying to buy fetal tissue from Planned Parenthood with 15 felonies, saying they invaded the privacy of medical providers by filming without consent.

State Attorney General Xavier Becerra announced the charges against David Daleiden of Davis, California, and Sandra Merritt of San Jose. The two operate the Irvine-based Center for Medical Progress.

The allegations say the pair filmed 14 people without permission between October 2013 and July 2015 in Los Angeles, San Francisco and El Dorado counties. One felony count was filed for each person. The 15th was for criminal conspiracy to invade privacy.

Becerra says they used a fictitious bioresearch company to meet with women’s health care providers and covertly record them.

Daleiden, in an email to The Associated Press, said the “bogus” charges are coming from “Planned Parenthood’s political cronies.”  m0re here

16 Comments on 2 charged with felonies for filming undercover fetal tissue sales videos

  1. Xavier Bacerra, Becerra? oh right, I saw him some years ago across the border in Tijuana where he was selling tacos on a street corner and tickets to watch a donkey do some kind of intimate act with a female assistant!

  2. They were doing God’s work exposing this ghoulish practice. I would contribute to their defense fund but they would not be prosecuted anywhere but CA.

  3. Pray for the conversion of thr ghouls who do the abortions, and “research” ghouls who purchase, experiment and use baby pieces, and those who condone this.

    Pray for the heros who expose these practices.

  4. this is like Adolf Hitler getting mad at Jews masquerading as Zyklon B sales reps from IG Farben, filming the inner workings at Auschwitz and publicizing it to the world.

    Yeah, I’ll go there. Planned Parenthood is GENOCIDAL. Despicable shitsucking fuckweasels, the lot of ’em. And the prosecutor is a vomit-licking fascist fucktard

  5. Murder of the unborn, newly born and selling pieces and parts of the deceased child is legal, Filming, as evidence, the morally bankrupt, dirty secrets of Planned Parenthood is illegal.
    Only in socialist/progressive America.

  6. I think there is a TV show where they film child molestors who show up to meet adults who had posed as children on the internet. It’s a sting operation. I’m pretty sure the show’s producers didn’t get the perverts’ permission to film them. Will the show’s producers be charged with felonies now?

  7. even steven, Are those shows in filmed Cali?

    I’m thinking no. They’d protect molesters and rapists, too.

    Here in Texas only one party needs to know their conversation is being recorded.

    You might be surprised how many professionals that could use that don’t know.

    I went back and forth with a counselor about a troublesome, lying co-worker she had.

    ‘Record her. Have a mini tape recorder running in your pocket next time. They’re cheap.’, I said.

    “I can’t without her permission.”

    ‘Not true. It’s legal here in Texas as long as one party is aware.’

    Repeat that last exchange 4 times.

    Then – ‘Just ask any lawyer you know.’

    A week later she apologized and thanked me. With a smile.

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