Fake doctor goes to prison for killer butt fillers – IOTW Report

Fake doctor goes to prison for killer butt fillers

KFI: A woman nicknamed the “Toxic Tush” doctor is going to prison for 10 years for using Super Glue and tire sealant to make women’s butts bigger.

36-year-old Oneal Ron Morris, who is transgender, plead guilty to manslaughter and injecting a number of women with the deadly concoction.

Shatarka Nuby died after getting as many as 10 butt injections from Morris between 2007 and 2010.

She paid Morris as much as $2,000 for the “procedures.”

Morris, who is not a doctor at all, would pump butts full of:

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21 Comments on Fake doctor goes to prison for killer butt fillers

  1. The saddest part of this story is there are IQs out there who thought this procedure made sense. The calapygian wanna-be folks that fell for this shit also vote and my best guess is they are squarely in the democrat corner.

  2. Why do women what a bigger tush – when I want a smaller one? Why on earth would anyone want to make theirs bigger??? Enormously bigger? Of all body parts. I don’t get it.

  3. How drunk or stoned would you
    have to be to let that THING near you,
    let alone perform a “medical” procedure
    on you ??? HAHAHAHA!!!!!! hood ratz luv big jungle BOOTY.

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