Carr: Don’t cry for Chelsea Clinton – IOTW Report

Carr: Don’t cry for Chelsea Clinton

BostonHerald: Meet America’s newest victim — Chelsea Clinton.

Nobody knows the troubles she’s seen. Chelsea’s got a right to sing the blues.

22 Comments on Carr: Don’t cry for Chelsea Clinton

  1. It’s Howdy Doody Time.
    It’s Howdy Doody Time.
    Ann Friedman and Howdy too
    Say Howdy Do to you.
    Let’s give a rousing cheer,
    Cause Howdy Doody’s here,
    It’s time to start the show,
    So kids let’s go!

  2. A graduate of Oxford, Standford and Columbia and known for being the dumbest twit on twitter. After reading her lucrative but “do-nothing” resume, you can tell she is being prepped to be the next empty headed false god of the Democrat Party.

    I’m not worried, my kids and grandchildren already know how fight the good fight – bring it on!

  3. Times are indeed tough for the Clintons. May I suggest switching to a lesser year Dom Perignon for everyday use, and learning to choke down farm grown caviar? And it’s time to cut the pay for the hired help again – I’m sure Jose and Maria can get along on $3.50 an hour.

  4. In addition to the Clinton Foundation paying for her lavish wedding and maybe some of her 10 million dollar apartment in NY that Kankles convalesced in after losing her shoe who funds her general day-to-day lifestyle? Other than her exorbitant pay we know that foundation only pays 7% if that towards any real charity. The woman probably hasn’t had a full real day of work in her entire life. Her twitter feed demonstrates she also doesn’t enrich herself in her free time. She did a great job for her Mom’s campaign too. I can’t think of one thing she has done other than be born/parented by two of the most despicable people on the planet.

  5. Why don’t they ever man the cash register at the MET in the gift shop like all of the Baldwin family do. That would be a great public service. Oh, I get it, then they can’t expect to be paid. 😂 what a bunch of douches’ these people are.

  6. @ old oaks….it starts with trimming the nails….then you wonder why they didn’t take off the dew claws….then you have to go to behavior….Why does she continue to roll in manure?…..

  7. Oh, this is good, I hadn’t gotten the memo — I’ll put away my Kleenex and stop crying for poor unentitled hard-working chelsea. Love the comments about hillary never receiving a break. One of the most corrupt useless incompetent two-faced lying phony destructive shallow lying phony criminals in public service ever, w a media that would eat corn from her feces. But never a break. I hate these people, the clintons and the dumbass communist pretending to be a journalist.

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