Kim Jong Un furious about John McCain calling him a ‘crazy fat kid’ – IOTW Report

Kim Jong Un furious about John McCain calling him a ‘crazy fat kid’

KFI: Last week Senator John McCain called Kim Jong Un a “crazy fat kid” and North Korea’s pretty pissed about it.

Appearing on MNBC’s For the Record with Greta, McCain said:

China is the one, the only one, that can control Kim Jong Un, this crazy fat kid that’s running North Korea.”

McCain added that China “could stop North Korea’s economy in a week.”

Today the state-run Korean News Service blasted McCain for attacking the nation’s dignity:

“Noted idiot John McCain denounced as an infantile lunatic angrily soiling himself after slandering august personages of DPRK.”

The Senator responded with:

“What, did they want me to call him a crazy skinny kid?”


SNIP: McCain calls him a crazy fat kid and nobody blinks. Had it been President Trump who said it, McCain would be all up in short arms calling Trump un-presidential, right?

17 Comments on Kim Jong Un furious about John McCain calling him a ‘crazy fat kid’

  1. Hey John, how did that fire start on the USS Forrestal?

    You’re washed up, and you were never that good of a pilot to begin with….or so I’m told by Navy pilots I’m acquainted with.

  2. “Noted idiot John McCain denounced as an infantile lunatic angrily soiling himself after slandering august personages of DPRK.”

    Goodness, they hit the nail on the head in describing McCain, even after having left out ‘two-faced traitorous, chickenshite, jealous, lying, backstabbing, infantile, feeble-minded, …….’

  3. John “Songbird” McStain, bottom of his class at Annapolis, would have washed out of flight school if not for his daddy and grandaddy the admirals, given preferential treatment as a POW because of afore mentioned relations, sore loser, bad temper, and a reverse Ace, means he lost more planes (5) than he shot down.
    Divorced his wife so he could marry Megan’s mommy the drug addicted millionaire’s daughter.
    Keating 5, Gang of 8, McCain–Feingold, He’s not one to throw too many stones.
    Being called a “crazy fat kid” would be a complement to this POS.

  4. I think John should fly over to Ping Pong immediately so that they (he and Kim) can give each other foot massages.
    We’ll have “Peace in Our Time” and John will be acclaimed throughout the socialist world as a “really good” foot massager.

    Oh, he can take Linseed Graham with him for … uhh … other duties …

    izlamo delenda est …

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