Mark Cuban Says Trump Not Savvy Enough To Plot With Russians – IOTW Report

Mark Cuban Says Trump Not Savvy Enough To Plot With Russians

9) No chance this is a DJT led conspiracy. He isn’t detail oriented, organized or big picture enough to pull off any time of conspiracy


Billionaire businessman Mark Cuban took to Twitter on Saturday to outline his theory on the Russia-related controversy surrounding President Donald Trump and his administration.

Cuban, the owner of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks and star of ABC’s “Shark Tank,” came to the conclusion that there is “no chance this is a [Trump] led conspiracy.” Cuban argued that Trump is not savvy enough to “pull off” such a plot.

Cuban has teased reporters in recent weeks about making a potential run at the presidency himself in 2020.


My gaydar pegs when this guy is around.

He seems like Liberace’s brother to me.

16 Comments on Mark Cuban Says Trump Not Savvy Enough To Plot With Russians

  1. I prefer my opponents to underestimate me.

    My most lefty friend does it all the time. I’m not bothered because the pudding is I dominate him at every turn. What’s insane is he keeps forgetting.

    1st chess game – I win in 4 moves. The look on his face was priceless. Yeah, bitch. I know how to play, apparently you’ve missed a few things.

    He buys a boat and joins the sailing club. We both watch an instructional video on how to sail.

    I beat him by 1/4 mile the first race and take 2nd place for my first season against seasoned sailors. He doesn’t even place.

    Numerous other events that he should get a clue from that I’m not dumb.

    Yet, his starting point is always that he’s a genius and everyone else is dumb.

    I find this an advantage. I prefer it. If I’m stupid and ignorant, what does that make you when I beat you like a red-headed step-child?

    So denigrate PDT all you want, Mark. You look all the more foolish when reality comes along and slaps you upside the head.

    Why did Cuban let Trump use his stadium for the first big rally of his campaign? Was it just for the money? Was it because he thought is was fun to watch this “clown” execute his comical ruse on the people?
    Methinks Cuban is just jealous.

  3. @Dad, Try having a Southern accent in a room full of liberal Yankees or west coast crazies.
    It’s so fun to pop their bubble.
    A guy in Washington state took me skeet shooting.
    “You ever shoot skeet at a range?”
    Can you shoot a shotgun?”
    “Want to go shoot skeet, my treat.”
    OK. Smoked him, 70 birds to 60, with his own gun.
    “I thought you never shot skeet?”
    I haven’t, it’s easy if they don’t change directions, like dove.
    I grew up down the street from one of the largest, most prestigious gun clubs in the world.
    Like the Masters for skeet shooters, it’s the oldest in the US..
    Never saw the point, you can’t eat the birds, no matter how long you cook them.
    It was a small lie, I had shot plenty of clay birds, just never at a range.

  4. Lol openthedoot

    Yes, moved to Wisconsin for six years from Dallas.

    After six months I was the go to guy for getting straight A’s in school and the fastest guy on the track team. They stopped thinking southern people were stupid. At least my friends

    Only negative – Within three months, they had me saying “you guys” instead of me getting them to say y’all.

    One girl saying to a group of girls ” hey, you guys, let’s go get some ice cream.”

    Was just wrong. Y’all fits everybody, I lost on that one, though. Shrug.

  5. Mark Cuban got REAL lucky and bailed out of the DOTCOM boom right before it collapsed. If he would not have sold his company when he did he would currently be working at Radio Shack. He wishes like hell he was in the same class of a business man as Trump. But he’s not and he knows it.

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