LA Times Leading the Spastic Charge of the Lunatic Left – IOTW Report

LA Times Leading the Spastic Charge of the Lunatic Left

The LA Times has run the first of a series essays that should be called Dead Horse.

It’s called Our Dishonest President, and details (yawn) the opiniofacts the left have been bullhorning ever since the night their party streamers became crying towels – Trump is a dangerous narcissist. (yawnnn.) Do the editors think this is breaking new ground? Can a Pulitzer be too far behind?

They say they feared the worst, but the reality has exceeded their concerns. Trump is a “train wreck,” implying that they didn’t fear Trump would be a train wreck. (I think I heard train wreck at least as many times as the completely played out “dumpster fire” descriptor.)

In a matter of weeks, President Trump has taken dozens of real-life steps that, if they are not reversed, will rip families apart, foul rivers and pollute the air, intensify the calamitous effects of climate change and profoundly weaken the system of American public education for all.

In a matter of weeks, President Trump has enforced our immigration laws, brought industry back to America, ignored the left’s claim that man is controlling the weather and rejected common core. I find this stance rational and not at all like a wrecked train.

It is impossible to know where his presidency will lead or how much damage he will do to our nation.

Although his policies are, for the most part, variations on classic Republican positions (many of which would have been undertaken by a President Ted Cruz or a President Marco Rubio), they become far more dangerous in the hands of this imprudent and erratic man. Many Republicans, for instance, support tighter border security and a tougher response to illegal immigration, but Trump’s cockamamie border wall, his impracticable campaign promise to deport all 11 million people living in the country illegally and his blithe disregard for the effect of such proposals on the U.S. relationship with Mexico turn a very bad policy into an appalling one.

Sounds like a MANIAC!

I look forward to the LA Times’ next 3 or 4 essays. I’m sure they won’t simply be a rewording and re-stylized version of the same stupidity these deranged folk have been regurgitating since Trump’s stunning victory.

ht/ JBinNM



17 Comments on LA Times Leading the Spastic Charge of the Lunatic Left

  1. There has to be some way to hold the press accountable for it’s bias. Flynn is guilty but Hillary isn’t? Trump is a dictator but obastard wasn’t? The dems are for the little people? Minorities are wonderful and whites are evil? BLM is peaceful? The list is endless.
    This outfit is against all that is good and holy. Aren’t there laws on the books to charge these people with illegal propaganda at the very least?

  2. It seems that the tactics of that stal olstinsky guy is getting over used. The more the left lies the more they point the finger at others and say “he’s the one whose doin’ it.”

    President Trump has accomplished so much he’s got them thoroughly scared and wettin’ their pants.

  3. I’m glad someone is reading and summarizing this crap so I don’t have to.

    It’s interesting to know what the enemy is saying but I don’t want to have to spend my life reading lies.

    Cliff notes work just fine.

  4. I’m sure they’re just angry that crayola has eliminated their favorite colour they used for writing this essay and now have to find another to finish this series of insanity with. 😂 here’s a suggestion, try using the colour of tears to finish this series of strung together nonsense of words and phrases.

    Conjunction junction, what’s your function? Hookin up words and phrases and clauses.

    Schoolhouse Rock!

    Making communication great again.

    The latimes is the kindling of dumpster fires. 😹 🤙

  5. I saw that earlier, just skipped down to the comments of which at the time there weren’t a whole lot and sorted by top-rated. About even, more against the opinion than for it though. And that’s from LA Times readers.

  6. I read a few paragraphs and started to feel like I was back working in a psychiatric ward when I was in college and the inmates were off their meds. Some (the younger ones)scampering around like squirrels, others drooling in a trance and duct tapping football helmets on the rest so they wouldn’t beat their brains out..

  7. The media has become the core and nerve center of the left.
    The Democrat party is simple the nuts-and-bolts office holding facet of the media party.
    The ideologically driven corruption and utter dishonesty of the media is a national crisis and tragedy.

  8. These leftists are truly coming off of the rails. I heard the Cambridge MA City Council (a cabal of communists) is voting to impeach DJT tomorrow. Absolutely unhinged from reality…

  9. I’ve personally heard this same level of outright propaganda coming out of my radio in the 70’s listening to Radio Moscow!! This stuff is well organized. This stuff is straight out of the Communist Party USA which the democRat party has underwritten and aligned themselves with. Nancy Pelosi told them to “embrace the suck” and boy-howdy have they!!

  10. Not only do I want the “cockamamie border wall” built, I want the 54 million (FIFY) – or more – illegals deported and NAFTA repealed. Mexico can BEG US to buy anything they produce.

    Pedro and Maria don’t want to be separated from the anchor babies she squirted out? Take them with you. Our crime rate goes down, the welfare leeches are gone, illegal voting drops through the floor, all that money isn’t removed from our economy, hell, I see no down side. Your tomatoes don’t get picked? What did you do before all the illegals snuck in?

    Mexico’s economy is mostly based on money the illegals send back and on narco and if those are gone or even reduced, the politicos are dead men, and they know it. I say let’s help them on their journey.

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