Founding Fathers – IOTW Report

Founding Fathers

I’m always fair when it comes to humor.

Funny is funny even though it might be my ox being gored.

This made me chuckle–

BUT, after the initial chuckle, the idea in this cartoon, that there are rights that transgenders do not have, is asinine.

I need this nitwit cartoonist to list the rights transgenders do not have that “normal” people have.

15 Comments on Founding Fathers

  1. “I need this nitwit cartoonist to list the rights transgenders do not have that “normal” people have.”

    Well (just speaking for myself, mind you), the right to be taken seriously comes to mind.


  2. Transgenders have no rights as ***transgenders***, only as citizens. In other words, they have no right to use the state to force the rest of us to enable their mental illness. When men who claim to be women demand access to women’s restrooms, they’re not standing up for their rights, they’re demanding that everyone else must share their craziness. Same goes for gays and same sex marriage.

  3. Ha ha ha!
    The jokes on US!
    There’s no such fucking thing as a “transgender!”
    It’s a political/social construct that has no objective reality.
    There exist XX and XY – nothing else.
    There are freaks of nature (of course) such as hermaphrodites (morph-a-dites, as the rednecks call them), but all those “transgender” idiots are simply mentally ill perverts, who, in this time of ignorance, tribulation, and confusion, have garnered some political power – probably funded by Hollyweird and Soros.

    “And we are here as on a darkling plain
    Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight
    Where ignorant armies crash by night.”
    (“Dover Beach,” Matthew Arnold)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. You must accept the premise in order to argue the point.
    You cannot argue the nature of Unicorns (for instance) unless you accept that there ARE Unicorns.
    It is a fool’s game and must be rejected out of hand.

    Both the moral and intellectual decay are deep into our society when we sputter and spit over abject stupidity and clear cases of depravity.

    izlamo delenda est …

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