Unmasking Picture Developing – Obama Team Responsible? – IOTW Report

Unmasking Picture Developing – Obama Team Responsible?

The left accused Trump of working with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary.

The left released info on Trump’s pick for National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, to disrupt the Trump administration’s transition of power.

Trump accused the left of wiretapping him.

The game was on.

The government has focused most of their energy on trying to find a Russian/Trump connection, thus far, to no avail.

Farkas went on the Tee Vee and sung like a bird, saying, “If they found out how we knew what we knew about the Trump staff, dealing with Russians, they would try to compromise sources and methods.”

She lied to the American public, that they had the goods on Trump, and tried to give it gravitas by revealing that they had actual surveillance techniques that people would be “impressed with.”

What were those techniques?

In 2011 Obama relaxed the rules about “incidental intercepts” as a tool to fight terrorism. But innocent private citizen’s names, who were not the primary targets of the surveillances, were to be redacted from any released findings. The names, however, were available to people with security clearance.

Enter Susan Rice. She had security clearance. She could “unmask” these names caught up in “incidental intercepts.”

Michael Flynn’s name was unmasked. Farkas knew how. She spilled the beans.

Watch Susan Rice claiming she knows nothing about nothing —

“I know nothing about this.” – Susan Rice

But we KNOW Susan Rice knows all about it.


Dozens of times in 2016, those intelligence reports identified Americans who were directly intercepted talking to foreign sources or were the subject of conversations between two or more monitored foreign figures. Sometimes the Americans’ names were officially unmasked; other times they were so specifically described in the reports that their identities were readily discernible. Among those cleared to request and consume unmasked NSA-based intelligence reports about U.S. citizens were Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice, his CIA Director John Brennan and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

The NSA is expected to turn over logs as early as this week to congressional committees detailing who consumed reports with unmasked Americans’ identities from their intercepts since the summer of 2016.

Things are about to get very interesting.

48 Comments on Unmasking Picture Developing – Obama Team Responsible?

  1. I would trust Susan Rice as far as I could dropkick her with my size 12 steel-toed work boot. That probably would be about 3″ and I would love the chance to test my estimate.

  2. “Things are about to get very interesting.”

    This is better than anything that’s ever come out of Hollywood. I can’t wait for the episode where they start perp walking some of these people. And no commercials. Pass the popcorn.

  3. Trump ain’t drain’ no damned swamp unless he bags some of big alligators. Scaring up and fileting a few small fry won’t change one — damned — thing. A stuffed and mounted Susan Rice pelt hanging in the Oval Office would be a helluva good start. You are right BFH, this is going to start to get interesting. obozo didn’t shoot off to Tahiti for a month on a whim. Not Hawaii — Tahiti. You can’t get much further away. Donald Trump didn’t come to town to play patty cake.

  4. @ Brown Eyed Girl: “My God, she looks greasy”. yes the word is unctuous. Maybe that “video” that caused the Benghazi raid has finally, in some convoluted way, come back to haunt these assholes.

  5. Too bad we can’t skip the arraignment, the trial, the verdict, and the sentencing and just go right to carrying out the sentence. Would you like a blind fold or a last cigarette?

  6. This is like a game of Clue. Who, where and what weapon was used. Only difference is that the 3 cards in the reveal envelope all shows one outcome – conniving bunch of Democrats!

  7. My guess is Susan got the names unmasked and Ben Rhodes used his chummy contacts in the press to disseminate them. It was a team effort. You know, the same way Rhodes and Rice handled the “It was a video” narrative.

  8. It would make sense if Rice did this. She’s and insufferably stupid cunt. Her YouTube scapegoating was proof of that. She has no shame and no brain. Who would expect less from a democrat negro?

  9. What makes this a little more interesting is that when Clinton was given the SecState job with the big jet, corner office, huge staff it was rumoured that the person making the actual decisions was Susan Rice. It was Rice that gave Clinton her marching orders and anytime Clinton wanted to make a decision she had to clear it through Rice. Not that would make interesting testimony in front of a committee or jury.

  10. What will make it “interesting” will be the proof-positive revelation that the only target of the surveillance was Trump and his team. I sincerely doubt this was incidental to gathering Russian intelligence. I do hope and pray that this will lead to the discovery of their entire portfolio of candidate surveillance. I don’t think they started with Trump. I wonder what the prepared narratives were for Bush, Dr. Carson, Cruz, Rubio and Kashich.

    Then you’ve got the totally bizarre “dossier” on Trump and Russian prostitutes. These guys — Rhodes, Rice, obama, clinton — got away with the Big Lie about Benghazi and sent an innocent man to prison over it. I don’t doubt for a moment they thought they could get the band back together for one more gig. They should all go to prison for this.

  11. Yup, obozo was going to be Mr Agitator and stir things up and pester Trump and he was all set up to live large in NW DC — so what happened obozo? You went quiet damned fast and you ….. left the country? and went to ….. where? Tahiti? How about we just call obozo Captain Obvious. It is hilarious that obozo’s butt puckered to the extent where he just didn’t go to say, a safari in S Africa or something cool and legit., but Tahiti, like the most remote place on Earth that is not the south pole or Tierra del Fuego or N Siberia.

  12. Bad Brad said it well….”not a peep.” obozo just does not go silent. are you kidding? the world’s greatest bloviator? the camera hog and media addict also does not get far from the cameras. French Polynesia? Geez, I wonder if he went there to flee the US b/c the heat is on and he is feeling it? Do ya think?

  13. “Then you’ve got the totally bizarre “dossier” on Trump and Russian prostitutes”

    AA, yes, and remember who leaked that. John Mcstain. This will be one hell of a made for TV movie.

  14. @AA, can you imagine the riots if Obama was charged or worse? BLM will look like the JV squad. I think he ran, and Trump will pardon him after all the dirt is exposed; “for the good of the country”. What better way to actually ruin him? There will be real no need for a defense, his name will be mud and there will be nothing he can do about it.

    This whole thread is kinda silly actually. Trump tweeted and has repeated Obama is responsible. The MSM had been bragging prior to Trumps tweet about it.

  15. @Bad-Brad

    This leak from McCain confuses me. How could McCain hand over, and others all claim to know about the dossier for months when the final date was a week later?

    —–December 9, 2016: McCain gives the documents to Comey
    McCain meets Comey “with no aides present” and gives the FBI director the documents, The Guardian says.

    December 13, 2016: The memos to the FBI come to an end
    This is the last date of the memos from the British source.

  16. What I’m very curious about is the “HOW” Farkas so emphatically underscored in her confession. Watergate had its plumbers — I wonder what Trump Surveillancegate will have. Seriously, what the heck are the original methods Farkas is referring to they were afraid Trump would discover?

  17. …it could be anything! And I absolutely HATE the questioning process in these hearings. I know, I know — 5th Amendment and so on. But the whole process is like watching “What’s My Line?” ARGGGH! Like it’s the job of the person in the hot seat to stump the panel. Truth be damned.

  18. Rice’s tired “Sergeant Schultz I Know Nothing” ploy is wearing thin quickly.

    The shit the Obama misAdministration has pulled makes Watergate miniscule by comparison. Thank God that leftist bint Clinton didn’t steal the election; we would be so screwed….

  19. Great teamwork! Susan Rice unmasks them, Obama makes it easier for 16 different agencies to receive the intelligence four days before he leaves office and the people at deep state leak it. Great strategy for a plausible deniability defense.

    Obama and Rice technically did nothing wrong, and the leak is hard to find within the multiple agencies.

    Like Hillary, I don’t see justice getting served in this case.

  20. Susan Rice is a willing doormat.

    Before everyone gets too excited about all of this funtime brouhaha–do we really think the spineless Republicans have the balls to pursue this whole mess to it’s logical conclusion?

    I have faith in AG Sessions, but the GOP Congress are a bunch of
    pussies, who don’t have the stomach for any kind of real criminal punishment. They might have to work on something other than making their donors rich, and they can’t have that.

    Besides if the Hystericrats yell ‘BOO’, it will send Republican leadership (an oxymoron if there ever was one) to hide under their beds, crying for their mommies, like a bunch of California college students.

    It would be nice to see these corrupt asshats punished to the full extent they deserve, but I’m not optimistic.

  21. I guess we’ll see how far our new president and attorney general can take it. The GOP Congress are pussies, indeed, what a pathetic lot of girls except for a few like Jim Jordan. Who is this ‘Freedom Caucus’ good grief, how about we rename them the Circular Firing Squad. but we know that obozo and lynch are gone and so is the automatic Get of Jail Free card.

  22. Ms. Woodruff you should resign immediately for gross ineptitude if not collusion with the Obama Administration! Unfortunately, I believe you knew you were colluding with the Obama Administration!

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