Home Viewer Makes Sure LPGA Leader Gets A 4-Stroke Penalty – IOTW Report

Home Viewer Makes Sure LPGA Leader Gets A 4-Stroke Penalty

Golf is an unforgiving sport even when the rules are bent, but the game is downright brutal when money is on the line. LPGA player Lexi Thompson was leading the field this weekend until someone watching the tournament at home noticed that she had placed her ball in front of the marker.

The officials reviewed the footage and assessed her 2 strokes for the misplacement of her ball and another 2 strokes for signing an incorrect score card.


43 Comments on Home Viewer Makes Sure LPGA Leader Gets A 4-Stroke Penalty

  1. The officials may have been willing to let this go but having it brought to their attention in such a public manner really gave them no choice. I don’t have much sympathy for Thompson, though, she knows the rules very well I’m sure, agreed to abide by them, and then broke one on camera.

  2. She is lucky she wasn’t disqualified. Watch the video, she places her marker, then picks up the ball, then without even straightening up (which could have been an explanation for accidental misplacement) she quickly replaced the ball in a noticeably different spot in relation to the marker. Looks deliberate to me, and in the world of tournament golf a clear violation. In recreational golf, no big deal. Even though she tried to cheat she still took home $250,000.00.

  3. We have played many games without a marker, walking all over lines, no one GAF, it’s supposed to be fun most of the time.. not serious like you see here and 99% of the time on all amateur courses. Golf is for drinking beer, rolling the cart, talking in back swings, stepping on balls and lots of laughs.

  4. Heck, you can compromise national security, obstruct justice, you can sell influence, information and jobs, take illegal donations for your foundation, kill babies in the womb, tax and spend, use illegal surveillance, be $20 trillion dollars indebt, use the IRS to threaten & thwart opponents, use the EPA to destroy farms and business, have an unprofessional/political FBI ignore laws, have a congress ignore the constitution, a president who supported, funded and armed terrorists and then gave Billions to Iran to build nuclear weapons……

    BUT people really get bent out of shape about a damn game that has no consequence to anyone except those playing.
    All the above, “Only in a bizarre world.”

  5. Even after the 4 stroke penalty, she still came back and forced a playoff. She was visibly upset after the stroke penalty was assessed. It was a mistake. She wasn’t cheating. I feel terrible for her.

  6. While I think it was a mistake (no pro is going to risk those penalties trying to improve their lie by an inch) but a rule is a rule and maybe golf is one of the last sports where rules are strictly enforced regardless of who you are. Whether it was a person at home watching or one of the course walkers it makes no difference.

  7. Viewers have done this for years, and the players know it. My favorite is when Craig Stadler had to hit from his knees under a tree branch, and put a towel down so as to not get his pants muddy. After a viewer called, Stadler was penalized for building his stance.

    My usual group tries to play by the rules, with obvious concessions for playing public courses. For example, no gimmes and we putt everything out – it’s amazing how long a 12 inch putt looks when you are trying to win a four hole carry over.

  8. I learned from a guy that had a bag customized to hold a twelve pack.
    One thing I learned is that a guy with a worn 1 iron is a man to be taken seriously.

  9. Where I play, if you advance the ball with your foot pretty well that’s a freebie. Or kick it out of the rough onto the fairway. And one or two mulligans per hole max.

  10. Well, eternal cracker p,

    That does sound fun. Is there a club that allows a skeet shoot to break out during a round?

    I might join that club.

    Note to self. Skeet Golf and Hog Hunt somewhere in the badlands of Texas. I could sell that.

    Just imagine handing your buddy your beer to hold and lining up a drive from the Tee box. (swiiing) FORE!! The ball starts its rise… BLAM!! A shower of golf ball pieces rain down 40 yards out. “Not this time, buddy. Maybe next hole I’ll miss it. Your 0-fer so far. Here’s your beer back.”

  11. @joe6pak April 3, 2017 at 4:42 pm

    > Even though she tried to cheat she still took home $250,000.00.

    Ohhh!… I think we’ve found our 2020 Democratic candidate!… For President!… of The United States!!!!!!

  12. But she did cheat. An inch here, an inch there, pretty soon you have 12 to 18 inches. Some time ago Padraig Harrington placed his
    ball and removed his marker, when he did his ball moved about a cu..ah, about a pubic hair. He was penalized. Roberto DiVincinzo (sp), once signed a card giving him one more stroke than he had. He had
    a birdie but signed for a par. A mistake. I believe he had to withdraw from The Masters. That was sad, but he took it like a pro.
    “The Legend of Bagger Vance” is a great movie on the honor attached to the game of golf.
    According to John Daly, Bill Clinton was a cheat. There is no evidence that I am aware of the Obama didn’t cheat.

  13. Somewhat related:

    One afternoon in the late 1960’s, an avid golfer had just finished his latest round and was sitting in the bar. He noticed a young lady giving him the eye, so he bought her a drink. One thing led to another and they ended up in a hotel.

    They made love, and when they finished, he reached for the phone. She asked, “What are you doing?”

    He replied, “I’m calling room service to order a couple of drinks.”

    She said “I used to date Arnold Palmer, and that’s not what Arnold Palmer would do.”

    He said, “Oh, no? What would Arnold Palmer do?”

    She said, “Arnold would open up the window, take a deep breath, and we would do it again.”

    So he did, and they made love a second time. When they finished, he reached for the phone. She asked, “What are you doing?”

    He replied ” I’m calling room service to order a couple of drinks.”

    She said, “That’s not what Arnold Palmer would do.”

    He said, “Oh, no? What would Arnold Palmer do?”

    She said, “Arnold would take a hot shower, get cleaned up, and we would do it again.”

    So into the shower he goes. He gets all dried off, jumps into bed, and they make love again. They finish. And he reaches for the phone. She says, “What are you doing?”

    He says, “I’m calling Arnold Palmer to find out what’s par for this hole.”


    She didn’t fucking cheat!
    Lexi Thompson got railed!

    When you let asswagon armchair weasel sitting on their couch EMAIL THE NEXT FUCKING DAY control an international competition, things get fucked and people get screwed.

    If a rival’s family calls the next day, how is that fair?
    What if a fan see’s it and does nothing because he wants her to win?
    The shit is too random.
    Most of the golfers aren’t even on TV, so fuck fairness.

    Paula Creamer is a Pro-golfer and a friend of President Trump.
    How many assholes will be watching her close, just waiting to pounce because of the Trump connection?

    What happens if someone calls today and found a mistake made by the woman who ultimately won?
    Yet it is OK during rounds 1 thru 3?

    At midnight of each round the scores should stand.

    It is supposed to be a game of honor, yet she didn’t notice, the officials didn’t notice, her playing partner or partner’s caddy didn’t notice, the TV announcers or ANY mother fucker at the tournament, yet some cocksucker did watching from their couch!!!

    They told her between the 12 and 13th hole the following fucking day!
    That’s like telling a team during the 6th inning of the 7th game of the World Series that we changed game six results!

    The shadows at the course is why she replaced the coin.
    She didn’t cheat or gain an advantage.

    She got two additional strokes for signing a wrong score.
    It was CORRECT when she signed it!
    What a crock of shit!

  15. LBS I agree with you wholeheartedly. If she marked her ball one inch in front of the marker, that’s cheating. But that should be picked up right there on the spot, either by a player, a caddy, or an official. For some couch wanker to call in the next fucking day,
    it is mind boggling to me that they paid attention to the prick.

  16. Loco, I agree on the officials relying on input from some shlub drinking beer on the couch, but did you see the video. She didn’t raise the ball 6 inches from her marker, then placed it back on the green in clearly a different spot. She must have seen a spike mark or a foot print, or some other imperfection in the green that she attempted to avoid. I don’t think I can take part in a pity party for her. Next time I bet she stands up, gives the ball to her caddie to clean off, then replace the ball. That’s the I do it anyway.

  17. OK Joe, but FOUR strokes?
    That means some schlub has the power to call it in THAT MOMENT, and make it just two strokes, or hold on until the next day and really stick it to her.
    Yeah, sounds fair.
    Power to the people!
    Only millions$ riding on it.

    Tonya Harding rules of golf.
    Got it.

  18. The only reason this happened the way it did, is that she is beautiful and white. She will be henceforth known as a “cheat” by the liberal media. Every time she plays the pencil necked announcers will bring it up. What a shame.

  19. Loco. Imagine the headlines: “Cheater Trump golfs with cheater female golfer.” Be prepared, if it happens. I really think it would be great. Imagine Spittles Matthews, and Rachel Madcow.
    Hee. hee.

  20. If you have nothing better to do than analyze this crap, then call the wpga and have this woman penalized the next day after the game. You and the judges need to go rinse your mouths out with a hand gun. We certainly have more important issues that require more attention. Christ help us.

  21. Rules on public courses in Nuwark NJ and other dicey locales 1) you pick up the ball quickly and run when a gun is brandished, 2) gambling is best left to the real professionals, and 3) let them play trough lest, anyone hits you with a ball or club. I’m sure BFH knows some of these common sense rules, lol

  22. Rules on public courses in Nuwark NJ and other dicey locales 1) you pick up the ball quickly and run when a gun is brandished, 2) gambling is best left to the real professionals, and 3) let them play trough lest, anyone hits you with a ball or club. I’m sure BFH knows some of these common sense rules, lol

  23. Come to think of it, during a pit stop at yesterday’s NASCAR race, the pit crew failed ti tighten one of Brad Kozlowski’s lug nuts. I’m calling NASCAR tomorrow. Hopefully they will revoke his win.

  24. Contrary to some beliefs, it wan’t one inch. She marked her ball on the sind of the coin, niot the front of the coin, perhaps a quarter inch. The lesbian who called it in had an agenda. Lexi and Michele should take their game to the mens tour.

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