Another gift courtesy of Obamacare – IOTW Report

Another gift courtesy of Obamacare


The nation’s franchise restaurants are about one month away from the imposition of new nutritional-labeling rules dreamed up by the Obama administration, another gift of the grievously misnamed Affordable Care Act. For outlets of brands with 20 or more locations, that means posting signs in the shop with calorie counts for every item on the menu and for every variation on that item.

That’s probably not such a big deal if you are, say, Raising Cane’s, and your menu ranges from one chicken finger to 100 chicken fingers. It’s a little different if you are a pizza shop, because pizza has a lot of variables. A lot. “We did the math,” says Tim McIntyre, an executive at Domino’s and chairman of (not making this up) the American Pizza Community, a thing that exists.

“With gluten-free crusts to thick to hand-tossed to pan pizza, multiple sizes, cheeses, toppings . . . there are about 34 million possible combinations.” He does a pretty good deadpan delivery: “That is difficult to put on a menu.”

That’s going to be a big sign.

The insidiousness of Obamacare has not been fully realized yet.

But, let’s not dismantle its parts.

Repeal or nothing!!

16 Comments on Another gift courtesy of Obamacare

  1. Total Government Over-reach.
    If they knew the first thing about what they’re trying to regulate, the solutions would make more sense! Guess this is what happens when ivory tower liberals are running things.

  2. That’s one reason I liked Ann Coulter’s idea. For all intents and purposes, Obamacare will repeal itself soon enough when there are no insurers left willing to sell Obamacare policies (and that is very close to happening in several states now). In the meantime, allow insurance companies to sell actual, legitimate insurance completely outside of Obamacare and its rules / regulations.

    Real “insurance” doesn’t require the customer to fork out $20 to $30k on premiums and deductibles annually from their own pockets before the “insurance” actually pays anything. That kind of cost would cover pretty much anything short of cancer or a disabling accident, so for most people it isn’t really insurance anyway – just a new way for the govt. to rob them of whatever wealth they may have.

    As Obamacare is dying (and after it’s dead), there could be less costly remedies made available for replacing the worthless Obamacare policies held by those that are truly in dire need.

  3. It’s not going to be funny listening to the stupid GOP Congress arguing themselves horse as they shout at each other over the corpse. Idiots.

    “They only had one job.” I’d like to see the graphic that goes along with that one! Maybe at their next all-expense-paid retreat they can do that group-building experiment, you know, the one where they have to figure out how to survive on $1.82, a length of string, 2 AA batteries and a box of granola bars?

  4. Yet 13% of food stamp purchases are soft drinks and chips with no nutritional value yet Obama was unconcerned about obesity when spending taxpayer’s money. THAT was redistributing the wealth.

  5. I use the calorie counts to get more for my dollar. Calories = fuel, I’m not going to go to the gas station and buy 1/2 gallon of gas for a price of a gallon.

    Just the same. When I go to a restaurant and see a “healthy” meal with only 600 calories for $10.95 or a big greasy burger with 1200 calories for $7.95. I’m saving $3.00 and get MOAR for it!

  6. Untintended? Hahahha. I’m going with intended.

    I don’t believe it’s unintended to make criminals out of every citizen.

    That’s how they get control over everyone and everything.

  7. @ Bubba – I believe the insurance co.’s still have to sell only ‘Obamacare’ policies. It’s a question of whether to accept gov’t voucher (subsidy) payments.

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